【Relying on the Teacher 依师】 Prior to obtaining the correct view, we should generate faith 未得正见,先具信心


【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- Prior to obtaining the correct view, we should generate faith


So we have to recognize one thing here: before recognizing the correct view to talk about upholding the precepts, the timing is not there yet. Thus, prior to obtaining the correct view, we should generate “faith” – to trust and rely on the virtuous teacher and listen to him. Hence, what is the required qualification? It is the recognition that I am sick – in the midst of the great illness of ignorance. By then, you recognize your own illness of ignorance, and then the awareness of that all [your] mental activities are wrong. That is the time to willingly rely on others. Otherwise if you think that you are always right and dislike others, this [illness of ignorance] is inevitable.

14B 06’11” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P203 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P71

日常师父法语📡14B 06’11”手抄稿第2册P203 L3

依师 : 未得正见,先具信心



【Relying on the Teacher 依师】first, have faith and rely on an excellent teacher 先信赖依靠善知识


【Relying on the Teacher 依师】The bridle that tame the wild horse is 调𢘙悷马的利衔是...