【听闻 How to Listen 】专注听闻 Listen intently
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10B 16'38" ~ 17'20" 手抄稿第2册P64 LL7
日常师父法语📡10B 16'38" ~ 17'20" 手抄稿第2册P64 LL7
10B 16'38" ~ 17'20" Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P64 LL7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P58
【How to Listen】– Listen intently
Now I have noticed that many have listened and fallen asleep, that is truly a sign of not being aligned with the teaching! This is a problem, if you just want to plant some virtuous roots, then this (attitude) is fine, but if you are sincerely inspired to listen, this will not do, (you need to) be focused! When listening to the teachings. At that time, what should you be like? [It is] as though you were in desperate need to quench your thirst, ah, you see that water over there, but you ignore it, will you [ignore it]? Of course not! Then at that time, “with all of your heart you immerse yourself in the meaning of the words.” You will listen to him (the teacher) with full attention, follow his instruction with proper understanding, then you will have accordance in your mind. If you can have such enthusiasm, then you will listen to the teachings with great delight, great delight! “Sorrowful bliss”. That is a sign of abiding by the Buddha’s teaching.