【听闻 Listening】无明里全都是错的 With ignorance, everything is wrong.

听闻 : 无明里全都是错的



日常师父法语📡10B 22‘45“ ~ 23’12” 手抄稿第2册P69 L3

10B 22‘45“ ~ 23’12” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P69 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P59

Listening – with ignorance, everything is wrong.

Because we are in the long, dark nights of ignorance, nothing about us is right, nothing is right, everything is wrong! We are pressured by this serious illness, and surprisingly unaware. Now, with a little sickness, alas, I’ve caught a cold and my head hurts. I need to see the doctor. I need to lay down for a bit. And yet we do nothing about such a great [mental] illness, how pitiful! So the first thing to do is to realize this. With this realization you are then willing to find a doctor. That is the time you will listen to advice.


【听闻 Listening】提不起劲的原因 Reason for being unable to gather energy and enthusiasm


【听闻 How to Listen 】专注听闻 Listen intently