【闻思修 Listen,contemplate,act】闻思与净障集资的关系 The relationship between listening, contemplating, removing obscurations and accumulation of merits

听闻轨理 : 闻思与净障集资的关系


来源 Source:

日常师父法语44B 15'48" ~16'30" 手抄稿第六册P131 L6

44B 15’48” – 16’30” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse  P131 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1  P185

【How to listen】- The relationship between listening, contemplating, removing obscurations and accumulation of merits

Before we actually set out to practice, what’s the most important foundation prior to that? It is to eliminate obscurations and to accumulate merits. Both of these things require listening to the teachings properly. Once you hear the teachings, you reflect accordingly. The more you observe and reflect, the greater the effects will be. The greater the effects will mean that the more obscurations you will have eliminated, and the merits you will have accumulated will be greater and deeper.


【修心 Cultivating the mind】遇难不退 Not backing out when met with difficulties


【闻思修 Listen,contemplate,act】善巧听闻 The Art of Listening