【念死 Mindfulness of Death】修行的第一关 The first gateway of practice.

念死 - 修行的第一关

所以我们有了暇满的人身而不能去修行的,受这个障碍,而这个障碍的第一关什么呢? 就是无常执常,明明是无常的,你还觉得常。 我们人啊总是准备千年计,为什么现在我们不能修行? 放不下,就是这样嘛! 哎哟,这个地位、名誉、金钱,还有⋯⋯人人都在做万年之计,对不对? 就是这个东西,所以放不下。 欸,叫你修行,这个也放不下,那个也放不下,假如说明天就要死了,哪有一样东西放不下的! 这很明白。

来源 Source:

日常师父法语37A 16'05" ~16'47 " 手抄稿第五册P146-L4

37A 16'05" -16'47" Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse  P146 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 Page 145

【Mindfulness of Death】- The first gateway of practice.

The reason why we cannot practice after achieving this life of leisure and opportunity is due the obstacles. What is the first obstacle? It is clinging to [our notion of] permanence when it is impermanent. It is obviously impermanent, but we still see it as permanent. We humans like to plan a thousand-year strategy. What is the reason why we are unable to practice now? It is because we are unable to let go, it is as such ! Ah, this status, title and money and also… everyone is making a ten thousand years plan, isn’t it right ? It is because of this that we cannot let go. When told to practice, we cannot let go of this, cannot let go of that. If say we are going to die tomorrow, there will not be anything that we cannot let go! This is very understandable.


【念死 Mindfulness of Death】什么时候轮到我?When will it be my turn?


【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】不可再回到恶道 Do not return to the miserable realms.