【念死 Mindfulness of Death】什么时候轮到我?When will it be my turn?


尽管我们每一个人都晓得最后,跑到最后没有一个例外,大家死。 大家会说的:「唉呀,到最后两脚一伸啊,还不是这样! 」嘴巴上面尽管这么说,但是我们的行为呢,跟它相应不相应啊? 不相应。 我们每天所做的事情,不要说眼前好好的,乃至于临终的时候啊,自己还在想:唉呀,今天不会死,明天不会死。 这是千真万确的! 我们不一定有这种状态,我们去看看人家病人,他总觉得:「唉呀,你赶快替我找个好的医生,唉呀,赶快好啊! 还有这个事情放不下,那个事情放不下。 」我们看看别人也晓得,然后说:「对呀! 没轮到我自己。 」嘿! 其实哪有轮不到我自己的?

来源 Source:

日常师父法语37A 17'41"~18'29" 手抄稿第五册P147-L3

37A 17'41" ~18'29" Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P147-L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 145

【Mindfulness of death】- When will it be my turn?

Everyone is aware that at the end, towards the end,no one is an exception, everyone dies. Everyone would say that, “Ai-ya, we will just stretch out our legs (at death), isn’t it just like that!” We may be saying this, but do our actions resonate with it? Not at all. Among the things that we do every day, needless to talk about when we are feeling well, even upon death, we are still thinking, “I will not die today, I will not die tomorrow.” This is absolutely true! We may not have this situation, but let us take a look at those who are unwell. He will feel that, “Ai-ya, hurry up and get me a good doctor, ai-ya, and get well quickly! Still has this cannot let go, that cannot let go.” We look at him and also understand, but then say, “Correct! It is not my turn yet.” Hey! In fact, how can it never be my turn?


【念死 Mindfulness of Death】忙到不管后世 We are so busy till we forget the future


【念死 Mindfulness of Death】修行的第一关 The first gateway of practice.