【暇满 A human life of leisure and opportunity】怎么可以白白浪费暇满呢?How can we simply waste this human life of leisure and opportunity away?
暇满 - 怎么可以白白浪费暇满呢?
来源 Source:
日常师父法语30B 24'16" -25'13" 手抄稿第四册P214 LL3
30B 24'16" -25'13" Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P214 LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 121
【A human life of leisure and opportunity】- How can we simply waste this human life of leisure and opportunity away?
【Therefore, repeatedly meditate with thoughts such as this: Why would I waste this attainment of such a good life? 】
Therefore, this is what we should contemplate! Here, the word, “meditate”,is very important! If we are willing to meditate, then we will have achievements in this life. If we are not willing to meditate, even though you have heard the complete teachings, it’s still of no use to you, you would simply waste it away. How do you meditate? Say, now that you have something that is so difficult to attain, ah-ya, it is extremely difficult! How can we waste it away for nothing, and not get any result from it! To what extent is it difficult to attain? We just said, when we see that there are more than 4 billion people in the world, and among these 4 billion people, how many actually learn and practice the teachings? Ah! You can’t even find a hundred million. If we were to look at all of the six realms, then you are incredible! For the ones who have attained the human form, that proportion is simply a speck in a vast ocean, just a speck in a vast ocean, within an astronomical figure.