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【念死 Mindfulness of Death】身体如瓦器 Our body is like a “clay vessel”

 念死: 身体如瓦器

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37B 23’28” ~ 24’03” 手抄稿第五册P167-L2 日常师父法语

我们应该了达这个身体像「瓦器」,瓦器啊就是一碰就破的。 那么我们现在所对的这个目前的一切,万事万法这个法,我们真正有智能的人应该了解是「阳焰」─空的。 阳焰就是夏天太阳热的时候,你在马路上老远看去像水一样,实际上你跑过去是空的,你看看好像是有的,实际上是没有的。 你能够了解了这一点的话,不管世间的利养也好,什么也好,都没有办法引诱你。

来源 Source:

日常师父法语37B 23’28” ~ 24’03” 手抄稿第五册P167-L2

37B 23’28” ~24’03” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P167-L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 147

【Mindfulness of Death】- Our body is like a “clay vessel”

We ought to understand that this body is just like a “clay vessel” and clay vessel is something that is very fragile, just one touch and it could break. With regards to the phenomena that we are facing now, the phenomena of everything that is taking place. Those with real wisdom will understand that they are just like mirage – emptiness. During the summer period when the sun is hot, and when you look far on a stretch of road, you’ll noticed something like water (puddle). But when you run over to look at it, there is actually nothing there. It seems to be there but in reality, it is not. If you can understand this, be it the goods in this world or whatever, there’s nothing that can entice you.