【念死 Mindfulness of Death】阎罗王找不到你 Lord of Death Can’t Find You
念死 : 阎罗王找不到你
假定我们了解了我们这个暇满人身难得,而这无常又这么迅速。这个所谓无常的迅速啊,真正的意思是,我们没有一个人保险什么时候该走。假定我们了解了这一点,我们就会知道我们身体啊,这么虚假,这个所谓「瓦器」—— 那还是有形的,说这个东西说破就破,一碰就破;第二个说它「阳焰」的话,看起来好像有,实际上根本没有的,那我们要了解。一个是指它容易碎破,一个是说明本来就是虚假的,千万不要认真,不要把它看得那么可靠。
来源 Source:
日常师父法语37B 24’49” ~26’01" 手抄稿第五册P167-LL5
37B 24’49” ~26’01” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P167 LL52
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 147
【Mindfulness of death】 – Lord of Death Can’t Find You
If we understand that our human life of leisure and opportunity is hard to come by, and that impermanence is speeding by us. The term of speeding impermanence, the real meaning is that, no one can assure when we will pass on. If we can understand this, then we will realize that this body of ours, is so unreal. The term “clay vessel”, this is still something with form, very fragile and very easily broken. Secondly, it is like the “mirage”, it seems to be there, but in actual fact, it is not, this we need to understand. One states that it is fragile, another states that it is actually delusional, do not see it as something factual (real), do not see it as something dependable.