【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】饮食知量者- 思惟过患 Appropriate diet – Meditating on the faults of food

【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】- 饮食知量者- 思惟过患


A 由为成办所生过患者,谓为成办食及食因,遭寒热苦,多施劬劳,若不成办忧憾而苦,设若成办,亦恐劫夺及损失故,发起猛利精勤守护,而受诸苦。
B 亲友失坏者,谓由此故,虽父子等互相斗诤。
C 不知满足者,由于饮食爱增长故,诸国王等互相阵战,领受非一众多大苦。
D 无自在过失者,诸食他食者,为其主故,与他斗竞,受众多苦。
E 从恶行生者,谓为饮食,饮食因故,三业造罪,临命终时,忆念其罪,追悔而死,没后复当堕诸恶趣。

来源 Source:

日常师父法语26A 25’22” 手抄稿第四册 P57LL4

26A 25’22” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P57LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P105

【Meditation Session】What to do in between meditation sessions

【Appropriate diet – Meditating on the faults of food】

There are three faults:
(1) 【the fault that arises from the causes of enjoyment: Contemplate how any colorful, aromatic, and good-tasting food whatsoever appears like vomit once you have chewed it and moistened it with your saliva. 】
(2) 【The fault that arises from digesting food: Contemplate how food produces such elements of the body as flesh and blood after it is digested in the middle or last period of the night. Contemplate how some food become feces and urine, and then remains in the lower part of the body; moreover, each day you have to excrete that. Think how many kinds of illnesses develop in connection with this food. 】
(3) 【The five faults that come from looking for food: The five are as follows:

1) The fault of procurement: While being tormented by heat and cold, you must make great effort in order to procure food and assemble its cause. If you do not procure it, you suffer sorrow and the like. Even if you do procure the food, you fear that it will be stolen or wasted, and then suffer because of taking great pains to guard it.

2) The fault of ruining close relationships: Even close relatives, such as fathers and sons, will dispute and fight with one another for the sake of food. [66]

3) The fault of insatiability: Kings and the like will go to war with each other and experience much suffering when their craving for food intensifies.

4) The fault of the lack of independence: Those who eat others' food experience much suffering when they fight with opponents on behalf of their leader.

5) The fault that arises from wrongdoing: Having amassed sins of body, speech, and mind for the sake of food and its causes, you remember your sins when you are dying, and die with regret. Moreover, after death, you fall into a miserable realm.


【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】饮食知量者 Appropriate diet


【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】饮食知量者- 对治爱着 Appropriate diet – Remedy for craving food.