【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】饮食知量者 - 非染污心中量食 Appropriate diet - Eating appropriate food which does not produce afflictions
【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】-饮食知量者- 非染污心中量食
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26A 20’43” 手抄稿第四册 P55L1
所以我有很长一段时候,这个早课作完了,下面的有一段重要地作,早课作什么呢﹖就是把那饮食的过患,以及我所以跑到这里来的目的干什么,把它念一下,念了以后坐在那边细细、细细地想。有的时候念的时候匆匆忙忙念过了,因为唉哟,这个厨房等着我,那一定没有效。有的时候念的时候就心情很宁静,自己感觉得很清楚,然后呢很欢喜。不管念得快、念得慢,心里就缘想这件事情,很稳地跑到厨房里面去。欸!马上有效,千真万确地。然后有效了,我就试,把最好的东西摆在那里。啊!平常看见啦,总归是想办法占为己有,那时候心里面就会不一样——那这么好的东西,布施,布施! (手抄稿修订参考表--原手抄稿用字:【不是,不是】改为【布施,布施】) 然后,我就把最好的那东西去布施给鸟吃,鸟要不吃,给蚂蚁吃,蚂蚁不吃,我说:「成就我的舍心,丢到垃圾桶里我也不吃它!」做完了,好欢喜,我从来没有欢喜过。因为我觉得,我花了十几年功夫挡不住的,欸,就这么简单的一个方法挡住了!
来源 Source:
日常师父法语26A 20’43” 手抄稿第四册 P55L1
26A 20’43” Vol 4 of Mster Jih-Chang’s DiscourseP55L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P105
【Meditation Session】
【What to do in between meditation sessions】
【Appropriate diet - Eating appropriate food which does not produce afflictions】
So there was this long period of time after I finished the morning ritual/session, I continued to diligently practice. What did I practice in the morning? I read through the faults of eating food and then (recalled) the reasons for me to be here. After I had brought it to mind, I would sit there and thoroughly think through it, thoroughly think through it. Sometimes I would be in a hurry to think about it because, ah-yo, the kitchen was waiting for me, then it was not effective. Sometimes when I went through and thought about it, my frame of mind would be very peaceful, I felt it very clearly and had this great delight. Whether I went through it quickly or slowly, my mind would focus on it and feel stable when I went towards the kitchen. Eh! It was effective immediately, absolutely true. Once it took effect, then I tried this, by putting the best food in front of me. Ah! Normally when I see it, I would always try to make it mine. However, at that point, the mentality was different - with this really delicious food, give it away (generosity), give it away! I then gave away the best foods to the birds. If the birds did not eat it, the ants could eat it. If the ants did not eat it, I would say, "To accomplish my mind of renunciation, even if it was thrown in the trash cans, I would not eat it!" After I finished doing this, I was so happy, I had never been so happy [regarding this]. Because I felt that I have spent more than 10 years and could not block [these feelings], eh, now it has been blocked by such a simple method!