【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】正知而行者 Acting with vigilance
【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】-正知而行者
有很多事情我们要行为,要主动地去行为的时候,那时候该怎么办?欸,对! 你如果说离开了你修行以外,当修行的时候,你全部精神缘在这上头,然后呢剩下来的时间,你也能够保护它。可是有很多事情,却你没办法保护的,譬如他告诉我们防那个行相,叫你不要出去,结果啊常住派我一个事情,我要出去,那个时候该怎么办?所以他下面告诉我们正知而行,对于我们该做的事情,而前面这个密护根门当中没有弄清楚的,他下面告诉我们:对于你所知道的事情,了解怎样是正确无误的,照着你所了解的正确无误的方法去做。这个时候它不但不是染污,而且是增长你的功德,那就不怕了嘛!所以下面我们看,下面的:
来源 Source:
日常师父法语25B 09’42” 手抄稿第四册 P27L1
25B 09’42” Vol 4of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P27L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P102
【The Meditation Session】
【What to do in between meditation sessions】
【Acting with vigilance】
We know there are a lot of things which we have to act upon, at times when we have to initiate the actions, what should we do? Eh, yes! If other than the times of your meditation, when you are in meditation, you focus all of your attention on it, and for the remaining time, you are still able to restrain it [the mind]. But there are a lot of times, you are unable to restrain [the mind]. For example, it tells us to prevent taking note of something, it tells you not to go out, but the abbot asks me to do something, and I have to go out, what do you do in this instance? So it then tells us to act with vigilance, with regards to the things we must do, and with regards to the parts which we are unclear of from the previous section [translator note: referring to “restraining sensory faculties”], it will tell us next: With regards to what you know, understanding which are correct and errorless , follow the correct and errorless method that you know of to do it. At this time, not only is it not impure but in fact it increases your merits, so you would not need to be afraid (of doing it)! So now let us take a look, next:
【b) Acting with vigilance】
Two things.
【i) The foundations upon which you act】
There are two things here.