【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】于正念起常委行 Continuous persistence at mindfulness
【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】- 密护根门 - 以何防护者 - 于正念起常委行
来源 Source:
日常师父法语25A 24’17” 手抄稿第四册 P15LL4
25A 24’17” Vol. 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P15LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P101
【Meditation Session】
【What to do in between meditation sessions】
【Restraining the sensory faculties - that with which you restrain the sensory faculties... continuous persistence at mindfulness …】
And the second,
【The second, continuously persisting at mindfulness, means that you practice your mindfulness continuously and with respect. 】
It says now that you know the restraining tool is mindfulness, mindful of the correct thoughts, then, you take the correct thoughts and you continuously persist; until which point ? To the point of no interruptions, persistence with no breaks. Just like that. Continuously with respect. That means with sincerity and genuine care. You train with this. So truly, when you train in any method, there is no exception, you need this. Thus, what does Buddha specially call this? Joyous perseverance, these [i.e. as mentioned above] are the traits of joyous perseverance. Therefore, in many places, including this treatise and the "大智度論" commentary, it is said in all kinds of sutras and commentaries that in the collection of virtues by meditation, joyous perseverance is number one, joyous perseverance is number one. So, usually when we feel, “ah, meditation seems to be something that is very relaxed and easy”, that is completely wrong!