【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】后时如何行者After meditation sessions


所以啊平常我们讲正助双修,正助双修,好像这个「助」啊只是意思意思,只是意思意思。 错了,错了! 要晓得:这个助修跟正修是一样的重要,在很多情况之下,这个「助」比「正」更重要! 譬如说我们讲前行,前行好像不是正行,好像是基础,实际上呢没有前面的基础啊,你整个的正行根本没有用。 平常我们常常做各式各样的比喻,你烧饭,你前面那个菜没有洗干净,请问你煮了能吃吗? 你这个房子的基础没打好,你造上去能住吗? 基础没有造好的,你住在里边,轻轻地一阵台风来,把你压死了。 这不是很明白的道理吗。 这个经上太多说这种地方,这是我们要了解的这个基本概念。



日常师父法语 25A 07’15”手抄稿第四册 P6LL2

25A 07’15 ”Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P6LL2
English Lamrim Volume 1, pg 100

【Meditation Session】

【What to do after meditation sessions】

For both the actual and supportive meditations, it seems as if the supportive meditation is just trivial, just trivial. Wrong, wrong! We must know that supportive meditation is as important as the actual sessions. Under many situations, the supportive one is more important than the actual session! For example,when we speak of preparation, it may seem that preparation is not the actual session but more like a foundation. In actual fact, without the prior foundation, your entire actual session would be useless. Normally we would use all kinds of examples, such as cooking. If you did not wash clean the vegetables beforehand, can you eat it after you have cooked it? If you did not properly construct the foundation for a house, can you stay in it after building it? If the foundation has not been established properly and you stay in it, when a small typhoon hits, it would crush you to death. Isn't this a very clear principle? Many parts of the sutras have mentioned this point. This is a fundamental concept we need to understand.

And in here, it tells us whether it is the actual session or the in between sessions, it is not just the [visible] form/appearance that we have to pay attention to. If we do not understand this point, and we overly focus on the form/appearance, then it would be a great loss to us.


【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】未修中间如何行者 What to do in between meditation sessions


【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】后时如何行者 What to do at the conclusion P9