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【修持轨理 The Meditation Session正行 - 此处修法 Actual session - How to sustain the meditation specifically

【修持轨理】正行 - 此处修法

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24B 05’24”第三册 P274L1 日常师父法语


一步一步来说明一下。说我们现在这里了解了这个修行的方法,那么现在我们要修的,换句话说我们现在所缘的行相是什么,就是怎么样依止善知识,启发这个信心,决不动摇等等。他告诉我们这个方法:先思惟依止善知识的殊胜利益,这个殊胜的利益,他举一例,说很快能成佛等。假定说,你能够想到这一点,一下这个心里面就能够把握住,可以! 不行,那找其他的,总是找跟你自己相应的这一种。它主要的目的在什么?如果你跟它相应了这个概念能够生起来的话,它有一个强烈的力量,它会引动你一心一意去求这个事情。


日常师父法语 24B 05’24”手抄稿第三册 P274L1

24B 05’24”Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse, P274L1
English Lamrim Vol 1, P100

【The Meditation Session】

【How to sustain the mediation specifically】
Now what are we meditating here?  This part tells us how to cultivate our clear faith towards the excellent teacher.  For this, how do we meditate?  It tells us.

【First reflect on the benefits of relying on the teacher, such as quickly attaining buddhahood, and the drawbacks of not relying on the teacher, such as giving rise to suffering in this and future lives. 】

Explaining this step by step, now that we have understood the method of meditation, we are now going to meditate specifically.  In other words, what are the subjective aspects of this object of meditation?  It is how to rely on the excellent teacher, to cultivate faith and absolutely not waver, etc.  So he tells us this method: First, reflect on the auspicious benefits of relying on the excellent teacher.  With regards to the auspicious benefits, he gave an example, which is one can quickly attain Buddhahood, etc.  If you can reflect on this and quickly grasp this in your mind, then it will be fine.  If not, then you can find other benefits,  something you can connect with.  What is the primary purpose of this?  If you can connect with it and establish this (in your mind stream), it has a strong force, and propel you to wholeheartedly seek for a teacher.