【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】P7
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23B 28’06”第三册 P250L3
这个是违缘,就是逆缘净除它,说希望诸佛菩萨加持我,把我一切的罪障统统净除掉。那么,一切的罪障从那里开始啊?从不恭敬善知识开始。为什么从这个地方开始?因为修学佛法的根本,先要依止善知识。你如果说有不恭敬善知识的话,对不起,你根本哪,根本在什么地方你没摸到,你遇不到善知识,绝无可能修学佛法! 这一点我们要了解,所以第一个要除掉。最后你要达到的目的是什么呢?要彻底地净除「我、法」两种障碍。所以「乃至于」,换句话说,从最开始一直到最后的两种执着的相,彻底地消除掉,这个是违缘。那么下面呢,
日常师父法语 23B 28’06”手抄稿第三册 P250L3
23B 28’06” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse, P250L3
English Lamrim Vol 1, P99
【The Meditation Session】
【Please bless all living beings—my mothers—and myself so that we may quickly stop all flawed states of mind, beginning with not respecting the teacher and ending with conceiving signs of true existence in the two kinds of self. 】
This is the unfavorable condition. It is an opposing condition which we need to clear away. So we ask for Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to bless us and eliminate all our obscurations. So then, where do obscurations arise from? It arises from not respecting the excellent teacher. Why does it arise from here? That is because the foundation of learning Buddhism begins with relying on a teacher. If you do not respect the excellent teacher, sorry, you do not know what the foundation is. If you do not meet with an excellent teacher, there is absolutely no way of learning the teachings! We need to understand this. Therefore, we must first eliminate this. What is your ultimate goal? That is to completely eliminate the two obstacles of “self” and of the phenomena. Therefore, "ending with," in other words, from the beginning until the very end which is conceiving the signs of the true existence of the two kinds of self, all of these [flawed states of mind] must be entirely eliminated. These are the unfavorable conditions. So next,
【Please bless us so that we may easily produce all flawless states of mind, beginning with respecting the teacher and ending with knowing the reality of selflessness. 】
In contrary, the unfavorable conditions are eliminated, and favorable conditions are accumulated.