BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【修心 Cultivating the mind】计较一杯茶 Fussing over a cup of tea

修心: 计较一杯茶?

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20A 22'00" ~ 22'50" 手抄稿第三册P121-LL3 日常师父法语

我们现在对佛法不计较,我们计较些什么呀?我们计较些什么呀?唉,真可怜!少到一点点茶都要去计较,吃一口茶都要去计较。 「他有我没有!老师欢喜他,是虐待我;他吃掉了,我没有吃!」什么? 「内心腐烂之相」。不过现在这里我们要了解,我们无始以来就在这个无明当中。我们现在非常幸运,宿生的努力,了解了这个病根所在之处,正好从现在开始努力上进。

来源 Source:

日常师父法语20A 22'00" ~ 22'50" 手抄稿第三册P121-LL3

20A 22’00”-22’50” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P121 LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P87

Cultivation of our mind – Fussing over a cup of tea

【We present-day followers do not value the teachings at all, but only value the guru’s assigning status to us as demonstrated by each cup of tea that the guru gives to us. This is a sign of our deep corruption.】

We don’t value the teachings much now. What do we value? What do we value? Ah, it is pitiful! We care for things as trivial as a cup of tea. We even fuss over a cup of tea. "How come he has it and I don’t! The teacher likes him and is mistreating me. He got to eat it but I did not!" What is all that? It is "a sign of our deep corruption". However, we should know that we have been amidst ignorance from the beginningless time. We are now very fortunate. With our efforts from our past lives, we have now come to know the roots of our illness. This is exactly the right time for us to strive to improve ourselves.