【修心 Cultivating the mind】为何越学越怕你?Why the more you learn, the more others are afraid of you?

修心: 为何越学越怕你?

本来你这个慢心是不晓得多大,然后呢一天到晚跟人家讲道理、闹,心里边都是那些烦恼;那个时候,你这个烦恼都没有了,你只有一片感恩之心,一片如法相应之心。 你福报、智慧再再增长,你跑到那里,人家也就会欢喜你。 所以佛在任何情况之下,任何一个人看见了,就这么欢喜他,为什么呀? 就是他一步一步积累的功德。 现在我们学了一点点法,那个也看不起,那个也看不起,所以跑到哪里人家就对你害怕。 唉,是你越学呀,人家是越害怕你,你怎么能成佛呢?

来源 Source:

日常师父法语20A 1'34" ~ 2'19"  手抄稿第三册P108-L2

20A 1’34” ~ 2’19” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P108L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P84

Cultivation of our mind – Why the more you learn, the more others are afraid of you?

[Relying on the Teacher]
[How to lead students with the actual instructions]
[A. How to rely on the teacher, the root of the path]
[1. A somewhat elaborate explanation for developing certain knowledge]
[c. How the student relies upon the teacher - 2) How to rely in practice]

Originally, you had no idea how huge your pride was. And then, you would try to reason and argue with others all day long. Your mind was all filled with afflictions. But by then [i.e. after you have learned the Dharma properly], there will be no more afflictions. You will only have gratitude/appreciation and a mind that is concordant with the teachings. Your collection of merits and wisdom will be growing perpetually. Wherever you go, everyone will enjoy your company. That’s why whenever anyone sees the Buddha, everyone likes him. Why? It is because of the good qualities that he has accumulated every step of the way. For us who have learned a little bit of the teaching, we would look down at this person and that person. So wherever we go, others will be afraid of us. Ah, the more you learn, the more others are afraid of you. So how can you become a Buddha?


【修心 Cultivating the mind】计较一杯茶 Fussing over a cup of tea


【修心 Cultivating the mind】成就我的布施 Accomplishing my generosity