【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】你没有恶梦 You do not have bad or sinful dreams
【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】- 悎寤瑜伽
除了这个以外,这个狮子卧,还有它本身法尔它就是这个,特性就是这样。它令我们的身体不放松,一放松,懈怠等等跟着都来了,这样。那个时候它能够保持,保持什么﹖保持精进的余势,它有它的特质。所以的的确确舒服,谈舒服是不舒服的,谈修行的话却是最好。任何一个地方都是这样,我们饮食也是一样,任舒服啊,最好向你的味口,你要吃什么就吃什么,就这样,任何一件事情都是这个! 然后呢睡的时候会睡得不深,然后呢忘念比较减少,然后呢睡不浓厚,没有恶梦。这个都是平常做世间的人不需要的,可是修行人都必须要的。
来源 Source:
日常师父法语26B 09’04” 手抄稿第四册 P67L1
26B 09’04” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P67L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P107
【The Meditation Session - What to do in between meditation sessions】- practice diligently without sleeping at the wrong time and how to act properly at the time of sleep
【From another point of view sleeping on your right like a lion means that your body naturally does not become limp. Even when you have fallen asleep, you do not lose your mindfulness. Your sleep does not become heavy. You do not have bad or sinful dreams. 】
Other than this, for the lion position, there is something about its nature, it has this special quality. It allows our bodies not to be limp. If we become limp, then laziness and other things would follow. So at that time you can maintain, maintain what? You can maintain a remnant of joyous perseverance. It has its special quality. Therefore truly with comfort, if you speak of comfort then it is not comfortable. But for meditation, it is the best way. This is true for any place. This is the same with food. If you want it to be comfortable, then you choose according to your preference, you just eat what you want. Just like that. It is the same with everything! Then when you sleep, it will not be that deep. Then you would have less wrong thoughts. The sleep will not be heavy, and there will be no bad dreams. These are the things which a mundane person does not need, but they are required for a practitioner.