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【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】悎寤瑜伽-意乐3 How to practice without sleeping at the wrong time and how to act properly at the time of sleep

【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】-悎寤瑜伽-意乐3

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26B 15’21” 手抄稿第四册 P71L2 日常师父法语


嘿!这个睡觉的时候啊,还有一个要保持「正知」。这个东西啊,跟那个念有关系的,念有关,同时你那个睡觉的时候,你心里想说:我要这个样,我要这个样,要这个样! 然后在这种情况之下,你睡觉的时候,它那个烦恼起来以后,要能够断除。嗯?这一点我们大家也许不一定了解。现在我也告诉你,平常譬如说,你睡觉的时候,到第二天早晨起来的时候,听见了那个板响了的话:「唉!这个板敲得这么早干什么啊?再睡它几分钟!」你会这样想的。那或者:「没关系!还早,等到他敲了第三通再醒。」 乃至于:「敲了鼓我起来不晚!」我们常常有这个心情的。这个为什么﹖就是前面你没有正知,后面就跟着烦恼在转;非常清楚!那怎么办﹖你睡觉的时候先这样想:我要精进!我要精进!以前一直为这个烦恼所转的。单单这样够不够﹖不够!告诉我们的「数数思惟」——你不断地想这个念头。当你心里面,睡下时,明天说我决定要这样去做! 行相很清楚哦!想过了以后,你放掉睡觉。等到你第二天起来的时候,一听见板声,你「咚」一下,能够坐得起来!

来源 Source :

日常师父法语26B 15’21” 手抄稿第四册 P71L2

26B 15’21” Vol.4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P71L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P107

【Meditation Session】
【What to do in between meditation sessions】
【How to practice without sleeping at the wrong time and how to act properly at the time of sleep】

【(3) Vigilance: While you cultivate mindfulness in this way, any of the afflictions could arise. If any of them does, you notice it and eliminate it rather than acquiesce to it. 】

Hey! When you are sleeping, there is one more that you need to keep - "vigilance." This thing is related to mindfulness, related to mindfulness. When you are sleeping, in your mind, you think, "I want to do this, I want to do this, want to do this!" Then in this state of mind, during sleep, when afflictions arise, you can eliminate them. Mm? With this point, perhaps not all of us understand it. Now I can tell you this too, for example, normally when you sleep, by the morning when you wake up from hearing the wakeup call, "Ah! Why is the wakeup call so early? I will just sleep a few more minutes!" You would think like this. Or perhaps, "It is ok! It is still early; I will wake up at the 3rd wakeup call." It may even become like this, "I will wait till the sound of the drums before I wake up!" We often have this kind of mentality. Why is that? It is that you do not have vigilance prior and therefore you followed and turned with the afflictions after that. It is very clear! So what do you do? When you sleep you should first think like this, "I must practice joyous perseverance! I must practice joyous perseverance! I used to be led by the afflictions." But is this enough? Not enough! It tells us to "repeatedly reflect". You continue without interruption to think on this thought. Then in your mind, when you sleep, you tell yourself you are determined to do this tomorrow! So the subjective aspect is very clear! When you have thought about this, you let go to sleep. Then when you rise on the second day, upon hearing the wakeup call, it "dong" once, you can sit up!