【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】悎寤瑜伽-意乐2 How to act properly at the time of sleep – 2nd kind of thoughts

【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】-悎寤瑜伽-意乐2

我经常每年有一段时候,有一段时候我就试这个办法,躺在床上,头上两天,左思右想,说睡不着,不管,我不要去想它。慢慢、慢慢地心提起来了,不管怎样,我要这么想,然后躺下去想,想想想想……。胡思乱想不行喔!胡思乱想这个对你没帮助的,因为胡思乱想这个神识散乱,这个身体也弄不好。你正念凝聚起来了以后啊,那个身心本身是很稳的状态,就这样,所以身心是种安稳状态。然后呢,睡不着也不管它,你心里一点都不着急,结果睡着了。睡着了以后啊,这个心里这种念头还在,很有意思! 如果说你念佛的话,那千真万确,你在临睡之前,先猛利地念一下,猛利念完了以后,躺下去就放松。然后呢,你扶着那个念:好! 让他去。掉掉了把它拿起来,掉掉了把它拿起来,轻轻松松地,这样,等一下你自己觉得睡着了。不是……睡着了你才感觉到睡着了,可是那个时候睡着,佛号一直在,就是那么清楚明明白白地在,这样的好法。等到你第二天起来,嗨,那个精神啊,比整个的浓睡也还要好,这千真万确的事实,我告诉你。

来源 Source :

日常师父法语26B 13’03” 手抄稿第四册 P69LL6

26B 13’03” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P69LL6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P107

【The Meditation Session – What to do in between meditation sessions】- practice diligently without sleeping at the wrong time and how to act properly at the time of sleep – 2nd kind of thoughts

There is usually a period of time in a year, a period of time when I try this method. I would lie down on the bed, in the first two days, I would think of this and that [i.e. meaningful and virtuous teachings], and cannot fall asleep. So I just do not worry about that, and gradually, gradually, the mind is lifted. Regardless of what happens, I just want to keep thinking in this way, and then I lie down and think, think, think, think.... But you cannot just be thinking of all sorts of things! Thinking like that does not help you. Because when you are thinking of all sorts of things, your consciousness will be scattered. The body can't be managed properly either.

When you are able to gather your thoughts to be mindful of the correct thoughts, then your body and mind are themselves in a stable condition. Just like this. So the body and mind are in a state of stability. Then, even if you cannot sleep you do not worry about it. You are not anxious at all. In the end you fall asleep. Once you fall asleep, you are still mindful of this. It is very interesting!

If say you are reciting Buddha's name, then it is absolutely true. Before you sleep, you recite it with a strong and directed force. After you have recited it with a strong and directed force, you relax when you lay down. Then you keep up that thought, good! Let it continue. If it drops, you pick it up. If it drops, you pick it up. In a relaxed manner, like that, then later you would feel that you have fallen asleep. No...after you have fallen asleep then you would feel that you have fallen asleep. But at that time when you are sleeping, the Buddha's name still remains, it is just that clearly and plainly present. This is that great. When you get up the second day, hey, your energy will be better than if you had been sleeping heavily. This is an absolutely true fact, let me tell you this.


【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】悎寤瑜伽-意乐3 How to practice without sleeping at the wrong time and how to act properly at the time of sleep


【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】悎寤瑜伽-意乐2 How to practice diligently without sleeping at the wrong time and how to act properly at the time of sleep