【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】未依过患者 The faults of not relying on the teacher




日常师父法语 21B 23’34”手抄稿第三册 P173L9

21B 23’34” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P173L9
English Lamrim Vol 1, P90

【The faults of not relying on the teacher】

【Moreover, if you rely on nonvirtuous teachers and bad friends, your good qualities will slowly diminish and all of your faults will increase. Then everything that is unwanted will develop. Therefore, always avoid them. 】

At this point I want to particularly remind everyone that if you do not rely on an excellent teacher, it means you are bound to be relying on a nonvirtuous teacher. There is no such thing as being neutral. Instead of moving forward, you are moving backward. Even if you strive to move forward, you may not necessarily be able to advance. This is what we should understand. There is no other option here. It’s not the case where I can stand here and ask, "Do you agree or not?" Nobody would raise his hands. Some people would agree but wouldn't raise their hands. There are some people who wouldn't agree and wouldn't raise their hands. you can stay neutral. For this issue here, you can't stay neutral. You will have to rely on one or the other. For this reasoning, you may not understand it right now. However, if you continue to learn well, and when you begin to see the attributes of the teaching correctly, then you will become clear with this concept. When I say that you can see the attributes of the teaching clearly, I do not mean that you can distinguish the words clearly. To truly be able to see the attributes of the teaching means you're able to see clearly the attributes of your mind; oh, that's what my thoughts are like.


【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】未依过患者 The faults of not relying on the teacher P15


【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】未依过患者 The faults of not relying on the teacher P14