【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】未依过患者 The faults of not relying on the teacher P15
日常师父法语 21B 24’56”手抄稿第三册 P174L3
21B 24’56” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P174L3
English Lamrim Volume 1, P90
【The faults of not relying on the teacher】
【Moreover, if you rely on nonvirtuous teachers and bad friends, your good qualities will slowly diminish and all of your faults will increase. Then everything that is unwanted will develop. Therefore, always avoid them. 】
This was more than 20 years ago. I was a newly ordained monk. My stomach was never good, and I was especially weak then. When I was there, one of the venerables was very nice. He really sympathized with me. He more or less had heard of how I became a monk. I am grateful for his kindness. He came to talk to me, gave me some clothes, and said "So and so, since your health is not that good, you should take good care of yourself! Be careful!" At that time, I thought this venerable was really nice, really compassionate! Then he told me, "When you eat, you should be careful with this and be careful with that." At the time, I was really thankful towards him. However, later I realized he was a nonvirtuous teacher! Later on, what did I really realize? The true horrid of this nonvirtue, is that we usually do not realize when we are nonvirtuous. He was in fact being kind. At the time, in many instances, I did feel, "It is like that!" I gradually realized that there are many people who would spend a whole lifetime complaining that they are sick when they are not. And if you feel that you are sick then you will be tormented by that sickness.