【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】摄彼等义亲近善知识 A summary of the meaning of relying on the teacher P6
日常师父法语 22A 23’44”手抄稿第三册 P191LL4
22A 23’44”Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P191LL4
English Lamrim Volume 1, pg 92
【A summary of the meaning of the previous five parts】
【Therefore, these topics concerning reliance on the teacher are clearly the foundation of our deepest aspiration, which is more important than anything else. 】
This is more important than the rest of the content because it is the foundation! Once you have the foundation, it would be alright if you take it slowly with the upper levels. On the contrary, if you don’t have the foundation and you rush to build up to the third floor, it will finally collapse. What use is there? So in this place, the great lama tells us,
【Consequently, I have taken citations from uncorrupted scriptures and their commentaries, which are easy to understand as well as inspiring. I have given a general overview that is adorned with the sayings of excellent persons who are engaged in the meaning of the scriptures and understand this in detail from other sources. 】
Therefore now the great lama says how he sees this is the foundation of our deepest aspiration. The real benefits that we wish to obtain now should be the ultimate one, which is to become the Buddha! To become a Buddha! If you want to become a Buddha, where is the foundation? It is here - to rely on an excellent teacher. Therefore he especially cited from scriptures, commentaries and sayings of the lineage masters. And what is the character of these scriptures and commentaries? They are "uncorrupted."