BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Coffee Session #9

With the La Kopi session changed to monthly instead of weekly, seems like absence has made the heart fonder, for I found myself easily waking up before the session time, eager to catch up with everyone again.

 From today’s sharing and with the guidance from the venerable, I learnt that it is important to aspire and plant the cause to not only be able to meet the right teachers but also to be able to form a connection with them.  In times of difficulties, I must grit my teeth and persist on with virtue, for all difficulties are impermanent and will not last forever. As long as I contemplate and add on to my list of learning points each time, then each time I have learnt a little more in-depth into the teaching, and that is another 0.01 improvement.

I am grateful to the venerable and the sangha community who always specially made time to ensure that the support team upgrades in our practice and not to just perceive our volunteering effort as a routine task to be completed.  Thank you with gratitude to the Triple Gem for this wonderful learning environment.  (Julie)

感恩师长,有La Kopi这温馨的平台让弟子可以供养心得分享。








自己分享前一天遇到同学,她说:”意识到自己好忙,不知在忙什么?” 就下定决心开始做大礼拜,礼拜35佛忏,还是连续每天10轮拜! 听了好赞叹! 好随喜她!

想到自己也忙碌了大半辈子,对来世能否投生善趣,还是蛮感到恐惧的。是因为这场疫情的上演才让我感到恐惧吗? 为什么总是要等到别人的牺牲,才开始意识到暇满的珍贵呢?

借此感恩慈悲的老师,知道我们正处在黑暗的轮迴大海中,为把我们从苦海中抽离出来, 而即将开示毘缽舍那。法师们也殷勤劝勉我们要赶快把障碍净除,要勤做35佛忏,准备好闻法的资粮。


There is many things and people I am grateful to, first to my fellow volunteers for spending that one and half hour so early on a Saturday morning with me. Through listening to their sharing I am reminded that indeed we are very much blessed.

We are blessed to have met the correct teachers who guides us on this path steadily through their teachings.

We are blessed to have been born to a place where we are safe and have the conditions to study and practice.

We are blessed that even though the world around us has changed so much and so many people are affected negatively, we are still able to stay safe and sound.

We are blessed with virtuous friends who have each other's back and who we can continuously learn from.

Finally, we are blessed that our self of previous lives have given rise to the effect we enjoy now. 

I am truly grateful to the venerable and the sangha community for their care and support, because through them, I learn things that I may not notice on my own. I hope that in this life, I can continue to plant the cause for a even better tomorrow. ( Angeline)

感恩法师在忙碌的日程中还是坚持与弟子们 La Kopi!  从之前的每个星期转变成现在的一个月一次,心里更加的珍惜。



I am most grateful to Triple Gem, without their blessings, I would still be stuck in my own thinking box and would not have seen things/situations in a wider context. As I tend to label things without knowing the complete picture, I quickly considered Covid-19 as a bad phenomenon. However, I reaped many benefits such as attending more Dharma sessions, keeping close contacts with friends who share the same values and aspiration and spending more time bonding with family. It allowed us to see our vulnerability; how easily we could have loose our lives, our love ones, our jobs.. and to treasure and appreciate what we have.. to develop greater faith in our next step that we are striving forward together in the right direction. (Jannie)

感恩法师和同行善友的善行, 让自己更深体会师长的策励大家一直朝着一个光明的方向不断改善。哪怕只有一点点进步也是非常珍贵的,因为那可是多少眼泪和汗水换来的。这一点一滴一个微小如尘埃的善行的质地可是成佛的金子。(秋云)