Coffee Session #10


Thanks Fashi! I really Enjoyed the session and I learned from Fashi today that if the words I say is not clearly articulated, it is a form of senseless speech. This will make me more mindful when I talk and also in my text messages, as I do find myself too hasty. Thank you Fashi! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 (Weilin)






Rejoice to my fellow volunteers and Fashi! As stated by Fashi, usually when we are doing our volunteer work, we will just go in and do the work and would not necessarily have taken the time to get to know our fellow volunteers. Because of this, we may not understand the other person and when conflict arise we may misunderstand the other person. I always appreciate these sessions as not only do I get to know more about my fellow volunteers, I also learn from their sharing. Most importantly, the advice that fashi gives to them I can apply to myself when I encounter the same issue! (Angeline)


心与心的交流~ 感恩法师的关怀, 不断拉着我们往成佛的路上前进! 一群人要一起往前走,彼此之间必须要先做到和合互信。弟子再再感恩法师的引导。(蓉蓉)


Very happy and grateful to be able to meet up with the team -mates again this month. A month has passed since we have last gathered online and it's important that the team comes together to confide in one another, share our joys and woes so that we can be even more united in our hearts to walk upon this dharma path together. Not forgetting that we are truly blessed to have our venerable join us to personally encourage and give us guidance. Thank you with gratitude to fashi and my fellow team-mates for holding not only my hand, but one another's hands. (Julie)


Rejoice everyone for making another La Kopi session a happy occasion. This week Angeline, Julie, Jasmine, Weilin and Shao Dong shared about what has been keeping them busy these couple of months, their struggles and learning experience. As they shared their experience, I try to virtualise myself in their situation. If I was to participate in VenTalk as a guest speaker, I will also struggle in drafting the script for VenTalk; unsure if the script is good enough, if content is the same as previous speakers and earnestly supplicate to the Triple Gem for help... If I was to have a new classmate after learning 8 years of Lamrim, who continuously question our way of doing things, I will become frustrated but at the same time know that this is my great opportunity to practice my patience… If I was to venture into new grounds, to use technology that I have never use before, I would learn the skill from someone who have past experience either from YouTube or a friend instead of supplication… If one morning my legs could not move when I woke up, this is pretty scary experience and the nearest experience I had was waking up with cramp legs, I would wiggle my toes, stay relax in the laying position and allow the blood to flow through. Death; is one of the topics that I need to reflect more often, especially when I start to procrastinate… If I was still a young adult learning the teachings would I spend most of my spare time in dharma related activities, if I had such spare time now I would be most delighted to do so, but when I was still a teenager, I dragged myself to attend the Puja because it is conducted Chinese and I was so weak in Chinese that I don’t know what is going on, but I attended for about a year due to peer pressure… If I have to work OT night after night, this was me before I met Lamrim, I have the same strong urge to free myself from work, from stress to have a balance life. But now, I know it’s okay to take one step at a time, to have just 0.01% improvement each day and to spend whatever time I could fork out to listen to Shifu’s Laoshi’s discourses, apply the teachings at work and to do conclusion/reflection. (Jannie)


很开心又能和大家一起La Kopi, 继续心与心之间的交流和聆听法师的引导。



感恩师长给予我们这么美的团队,也感恩菁菁和蓉蓉师姐的精心策划 。(云娟)


Very delighted to have our monthly LaKopi session again. I always enjoy listening to all the sharing and I really rejoiced in all their actions and thoughts. Really have so so so many great things to learn from all the team members. (Pris)


Coffee Session #9