BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Coffee Session #7


感恩法师又邀约弟子们La KOPI. 首先谢谢蓉蓉师姐也很随喜您的勇悍精进承担大大小小的活动。有您这位(和其他师姐们)只有在线上交流过的同行善友,我真的感觉很幸福。再次谢谢大家。

另外觉得法师对两位师姐的分享让我觉得自己是幸福的。 因为学习的路程上多一个善友好过少一个,在乎我们的人,这世界到底有几位? 因为最近六姨刚往生,感慨世间多少丧礼,有那么多沉默的遗憾?多少丧礼有着暖人的回顾? 

事事无常,人是会变得 - 多年不见的朋友可能对以前没学佛法的炜琳觉得是很霸气的一个人。但是,弟子已经学了五年了,五年前和五年后的我已经做出许多改变。五年没联络的人,不会知道我的进步,但我期待他们来发现。我们周围是不是也有等待着我们从新发现的: 人|事|物 呢? (弟子炜琳诚意供养)

When everything is going wrong, it is so easy to lose ourselves in our emotions, feeling that 'I am the most unfortunate person and nothing can help!' Overwhelmed by the emotion, we have temporarily forgotten to supplicate for the strength to help us to overcome the situation. We may even think that we understood. But how could we really understand, when we couldn't let go of our perspective or feel remorseful. A situation that I am so familiar with, because I have been there countless times and still stuck in it. Thank you Fashi for your guidance. At times like this, what I really need to do is to understand why it happened; what I planted previously for such karma to arise, to look beyond my own perspective and deeply reflect how the other person feels and suffer from the same situation. And to remember that this is the best opportunity for us to practice thinking like a Buddha; developing the ability to see all perspectives of the situation.         

~ Jannie                   

又是幸福的La-Kopi session, 感恩法师的策励和蓉蓉师姐的分享。



Mega rejoice to RongRong, how she described herself is opposite of my impression of her. From her, I see the power of transformation that the Triple Gem, our Master and Teacher has brought to her. I pray that I can achieve that kind of transformation too one day. May RongRong stay firm and strive on as she is doing now!

Also, thanks so much to Venerable for spending time with us this past few weeks even when she is already so busy, I have profited greatly during these sessions. This morning session has left me with a very deep impression as well, the warning about how nothing is permanent, not even negative karma and relationship; between this life and the next is just a breath. What we bring to the next life is something we should reflect continuously about. (Angeline)


弟子也要感恩法师,启发La Kopi Session让弟子们学习分享师长无上的功德,学习用心聆听法师的引导、仔细倾听同行的分享及给予真诚的鼓励!
