Coffee Session #6


Once again I would like to thank Fashi and Sister Diana for the opportunity to attend and benefit from the La kopi sessions. Today, Sister Jasmine shared about her life journey. She takes everything that comes her way with a positive strive even when she fell sick. She never once complained about the illness because she's unwilling to cause a burden to her love ones especially when she is extreme pain. She's an example of a person who live life the fullness, so thankful to be alive each and everyday. Her earnest and faith in the Triple Gem, could be clearly reflected her actions such as volunteering and repentance session. I felt myself learning and growing as my perspective shift from just being admiring her to inspired by her; to become a better person, someone positive and able to face all challenges just like you, because I have already taken the first step to believe this change is possible and from now will take it step by step to reach there. (Jannie)


Very thankful to Sister 郦缃 for her sharing. Her positive mindset and her faith in Master has helped her overcome many obstacles. Indeed, even when no one is there for you, Master and Teacher will still be there…therefore, you are not alone. It touches my heart deeply to hear that, as it gives me hope that no matter what, as long as I have Master and Teacher with me, I can pull through all the obstacles. 

Fashi has also shared a statement by Master, which I think I will always remember, 


A small little change in perspective will change everything.  (Xue Ying)


 感恩Jasmine分享她的生命历程。从她的分享中学习到怎么把痛苦转成对师父老师修皈依,做什么事情都会启白师长, Jasmine 乐善好施、坚强、勇悍、具正能量,是我要效学的。祈愿Jasmine身体健健康康! 快快乐乐! 福德智慧圆满! 早日圆成菩提道! (蓉蓉)






Today I learnt two things from Venerable:

To care for others, we need to start from observing them. Then doing things for them according to what we have observed.

Everyone would go through birth and death, but not everyone would get to grow old. Master once said that growing old is also a blessing. 

Secondly, to Jasmine, I have always wondered why she was always sick when I meet her in the Monastery but have always admired her for her strength to continue doing volunteer work as well as her positive energy. Today when I learnt she has been so sick for such a long time, I have even more admiration for her, I have a lot to learn from her. Also her line “没有法要怎么办?” left me with much to reflect upon. (Angeline)






Thank you to Jasmine for sharing about her obstacles and rejoice on her positivity, her infinity with Shifu as well as her reliance on the Triple Gem. While some of us may not have the positivity inborn like Jasmine, I recall the Buddha's teaching on causally concordant effects and thus am inspired to plant the seed of positivity now and reap the benefits later, in terms of infinite lifetimes. Her message on reliance on the Triple Gem is close to my heart, because it's unimaginable what would have happened when faced with obstacles and we do not know how to rely on the Triple Gem. However once our hearts follow the Triple Gem, regardless of how battered our bodies might be, there is an abundance of hope and joy within our hearts, like rays of sunlight filling up a once-darkened room. Thank you with gratitude for your sharing once again, Jasmine. (Julie)


感恩法师的引导、蓉蓉师姐用心的安排; 今天的La-Kopi session,又上了宝贵的一堂课。


再再感恩法师的提醒和勉励大家要“珍惜暇滿、串习法语、远离四恶语“。  在此祝福大家健康快乐、福慧增长、早日圆成菩提道!(云娟)


Today's is another fruitful session for me. Sis Jasmine shared about her life journey. From her sharing I could feel that her faith in Triple Gem & teachers is so strong that even when she was facing so much pain & suffering, her first thought is always三宝和师父,真的是师父的好弟子。



Coffee Session #7


Coffee Session #3