BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Coffee Session #3

Very glad to see even more team members joining in the coffee session, and rejoice them for specially waking up earlier to have virtual coffee and catch up with everyone. The editorial team and the online session team operate separately and thus seldom have a chance to meet up, so I was glad for this chance for everyone to get to know each other. I'm very grateful to share about how I started volunteering for the monastery, because reflecting back on my past experience made me realize how much I have grown and benefitted through learning to give to others, and I wouldn't have benefitted so much without the guidance of my teachers and many virtuous friends. Hearing others share their joys and tears during this session also made me realize their kind hearts and appreciate them even more. Certainly looking forward to the next session to learn about more hearts to be opened. - Julie




又上了一堂宝贵的课。 - 林学颖


 Although this is our third La Kopi session, I am still very thankful to Fashi, Sister 蓉蓉 and everyone who have attended. This session has made me realised that the issues my virtuous friends are struggling with are similar to those of mine. When I felt their pain, somehow my own sorrow disappeared... All my problems doesn't look so big any more. I guess this is one of the reason why humans are the best realm to practice the dharma. Together, we need to open our heart and practice the dharma while we can.. Can't wait for the next session to hear more... (Jannie)

Rejoice to everyone who woke so early in the morning to participate in the La-Kopi Session!

It was very refreshing to hear from Julie, I had no idea she was part of the group that filmed the English videos for Master’s Remembrance Day! I can imagine how hard it must have been to be doing all that with no prior experience. I really admire her joyous perseverance! She showed me how a person with the right motivation can persevere through hardship. 

Secondly, I was glad to have heard from Yun Juan, she struck me as a person who is kind, gentle and very willing to help. I had no idea behind that how much hardship she has been through. She always showed such a positive vibe, I hope that she continues to be this way and that everything works out smoothly for her. 

Finally, I want to thank the venerables for their support!


在{品味咖啡}的时段,大家相互以真挚的心明澈交流。在如此泰然的环境中,可以开启心房分享自己以往的经历。队友们温馨的关怀让我深受感动,给了我满满的正能量!我会努力克服内心深处的怯弱 - 因害怕受到伤害的怯弱。这怯弱无形中让自己变得不那么积极,甚至裹足不前。不过对于心中的依怙仍然具足信心。感恩同行善友们一路的陪伴。(云娟)


感恩能与大家一起护持全广。在护持的过程中学习到 ~要打开心,用真诚的心并把它融入到群队当中,依师、依法、依友,才能走得远 走得稳。(蓉蓉)