Recital Transmission by Rinpoche


29/1/23 ~ 3/2/23






  • 传法者将整本《广论》从头到尾念过一遍,闻法者只要不睡着,即使当下未必懂得文意,也算是得到当年宗大师为弟子们念过整本《广论》的诵授传承;而且大师著作广论的加持力也会借由上师的读诵传给闻法的弟子们。

  • 仁波切这次传授《广论》采用的正是诵授传承,也就是把整部《广论》都读诵一遍,弟子们应恭敬地聆听。获得此传承后,就表示获得了宗大师撰写此论的加持,可令希求沿着道次第实修、拾级而上的我们更快地突破学习障碍,这是仁波切赐予弟子们亲领宗大师加持的深恩,我们要铭感于心!


  • 讲说诵授传承是在念诵整本《广论》的前提下,再加上对某些法义进行讲解、说明;有时是一边念原文、一边作解释。法会护持团队敬上

  • 格西说闻法的弟子,至少还需要对师长讲述的文意有一些理解才能获得此传承。

  • 讲说方面也有广、略之分。略的话,如念完《亲近善知识轨理》,就简要地说明修信念恩的重要、视师如佛是其扼要处,如此收摄几句话也算是讲说了。虽是略,却也是含摄了全部。

  • 如果传法者有时间一句句解释,就如师父开示广论一般,那就是很广、详细的讲说传承。但大家没有在师父座下听法,师父也没有开许听到的人就得到传承,所以听录音带的学员就没有得到师父讲广论的讲说诵授传承。


  • 明晰引导就是用一个法本清楚地引导你每一步应该怎么修,像《安乐道论》、《速疾道论》等就是明晰引导传承的法本。

  • 《掌中解脱》是属于经验引导传承的法本。经验引导需要花很长的时间,师长引导修习方法后,还要进一步认证弟子学习的证量,然后才进入下一个法类的学习引导。

  • 如通过在闭关等专修时搭配什么样的做法、理路来思维修持道次第的讲授,都是属于引导传承。



Pre-Puja Briefing

Three Types of Lineages for Oral Transmission of Lamrim Instructions

Many Lineage Masters taught that reading Buddhist scriptures is very meritorious. However, blessings from the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Lineage Masters will be even more powerful if one can also receive their lineage. Therefore, if one can gain the pure complete lineage while learning the Lamrim, such powerful blessings will help us overcome difficulties and progress quickly in learning the Stages of the Path! Thus, we can see how important it is to receive the lineage of the Lamrim.

Rinpoche has taught previously that there were 3 main methods Master Tsong-kha-pa employed when transmitting the Lamrim instructions, hence the 3 types of transmission of the lineage:  

1. Transmission through Recitation – commonly known as 过咙 (guò lóng) 

  • The teacher transmitting the teachings will read word for word the entire Lamrim text from start to the end. As long as the listener does not fall asleep, even if he/she does not understand the meaning of the text, he/she is deemed to have obtained the same lineage passed down by Master Tsong-kha-pa to his disciples when he did the same recitation transmission at that time. Furthermore, the listener is also able to receive the blessings from Master Tsong-kha-pa, the author of the Lamrim, from the recitation by the excellent teacher during the transmission

  • This is the method Rinpoche is adopting this time, that is, he will be reading through the entire Lamrim text once, while we disciples listen respectfully. Once we receive the lineage, it will also mean we have obtained the blessing bestowed by Master Tsong-kha-pa when he wrote the Lamrim. For those who wish to put into practice the Stages of the Path, this will be the empowerment to clear learning obstacles more quickly. From the depths of our hearts, let us appreciate this deep kindness bestowed to us by Rinpoche!

2. Transmission through both Recitation and Explanation

  • In addition to the recitation of the entire Lamrim text, there will also be some explanation of certain parts of the teachings. The explanation may be given while reading the text.

  • Geshe explained that the listeners must at least be able to understand a portion of the explanation to be able to successfully receive such lineages.

  • Explanations are categorised into broad and brief explanations. As an example, after recital of the chapter of ‘Relying on the Teacher’, there may be a short concise description on the importance of cultivating faith and remembering the teacher’s kindness, as well as ‘Viewing the teacher as the Buddha’. Even a short summary is considered an explanation and to have encompassed the entire contents.

  • Broad detailed transmission is when the teacher takes time to explain every sentence in the text, much like when Master Jih Chang explained the Lamrim in his discourses. However, there was no specific mention that students who were not present during Master’s actual discourses had received the oral transmission. Hence, those who had to later rely on his voice recordings to learn are deemed to have not received the lineage blessings from Master’s Lamrim discourses.

3. Transmission of practice --- guidance includes clear instructions, sharing of experience and explanations of distinctions etc.

  • This type of transmission uses a text that clearly guides the learner step by step on how to practice. Examples are 《安乐道论》、《速疾道论》

  • ‘Liberation in the Palm of your Hand is another such text. As it is based on transmission of experience, the teacher needs a longer period of time to pass on the method of practice, as well as to follow up with assessment and affirmation of the learner’s realization, before the teacher will go on with the next stage of practice

  • Themed closed retreats in conjunction with specific practices and instructions on contemplation on the stages of the path, belong to this type of transmission lineage.

Puja Organising Committee

29th January 2023