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您是否被生活压力压得喘不过气来? 是否希望福气、富贵常来造访?是否希望鸿运当头、常得贵人相助?还是渴望事业顺利、早日升职加薪? 或是正在寻找生命意义、期盼拥有幸福美满的人生?
从8月9日到20日,吉祥寺推出一系列中、英语讲座,如“Refuge”、 “Colourful Life - Karma + refuge”、《佛门礼仪》、《三宝功德》、《业果》等等,由本寺的比丘法师、比丘尼法师以及讲师们主讲,希望这七个兼具学习与心灵提升的精彩讲座,为您开启生命的密码,掌握精彩的人生。
Blissful Dharma Seminars
Are you stressed by life till the extent that you are unable to catch your breath? Do you hope to have wealth and prosperity? Ever hope to have good fortune and with benefactors helping you? Or do you wish to have a successful career and promotion? Or are you looking for the purpose in life, looking forward to a life of bliss and happiness?
From 9th till 20th August 2017, BW Monastery will be holding a series of Chinese and English seminars, covering topics such as, “Refuge”, “Colourful Life - Karma + Refuge”, “Buddhist Ceremonies”, the merits of the Triple Gems, and Karma etc. These seminars will be given by the Sangha Community and lecturers of BW Monastery. We hope that you will be able to learn and be enriched spiritually through these 7 seminars, so as to unlock and master the codes to a wonderful life.
We invite you to attend and do remember to register online!