Things might look bleak, but they'll get better.

One day, I had a big argument with my dad about something important to me.

I felt hopeless and lost, not knowing how to fix things with him while still needing his support. So, I went to the Guanyin Hall in BWM and drew Lot 88, which seemed to show my dad's disapproval.

But Guanyin Pusa's advice was clear: things might look bleak, but they'll get better.

With her guidance, I found the courage to talk to my dad and realized his tough stance was just pushing me to be more determined.

Thank you, Guanyin Pusa and BWM for providing me with a safe space to seek advice.

Jess Tan, 20


Guan Yin’s Whispers


Dear Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva…