BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0289



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0289

Lamrim Volume 1:  P38 – L14~L33

Date: 15 Jun 2022

Topic: The elder having entered the door of the sravaka vehicle, guarded ethical discipline as a yak guards its tail

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0289

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Let’s continue to look at Rinpoche’s Introduction. It says, “With respect to the ethical discipline”; now we are into the ethical discipline teaching of the three trainings. So the ethical discipline is the root of the three precious trainings. Why? Because “the scriptures and their commentaries repeatedly praise training in ethical discipline as the basis for all good qualities, such as the trainings in concentration and wisdom.” Buddha’s sublime teachings and many commentaries all have mentioned this, as indicated in the Friendly Letter, “Buddha said ethical discipline is the root of all good qualities, just as all sentient beings and non-sentient beings rely on the great earth”. In other words, the great earth can produce all kinds of crops, and it is what all sentient beings and non-sentient beings rely on; in the similar manner, ethical discipline is also the root from which all good qualities derive, so it is like the great earth. If we want to attain any good quality, the ethical discipline is what we should start work on. “Therefore, at the outset you must have the good qualities of knowledge that occur in the context of training in ethical discipline,” so, at the outset, we need to acquire such good qualities. What kind of good qualities? That is, one needs to acquire the good qualities of higher ethical discipline. Obviously, what does the “higher ethical discipline” indicate? It indicates that one should first acquire the reciprocal experiential knowledge developed from the scriptural knowledge; that is, one needs to obtain these good qualities of ethical discipline first. Just as the great earth is crucial to all living beings, ethical discipline is the starting point where one can obtain all good qualities. It is the basis from which all the good qualities derive. This great earth is an analogy used for describing higher ethical discipline. [03:02]

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What Jowo Je took was the individual vows of the sravaka vehicle. After taking these vows, he upheld them meticulously; that is, he guarded each vow as conscientiously as a yak guards each hair of its tail. This is what the yaks of the Snow Mountains in Tibet would do. If one fine hair of the tail was stuck in a tree, a yak would stay where it is for fear of breaking it. If, at this juncture, a hunter is chasing it, and pointing a gun right at it, the yak would hold its hair so dear that it would not break that fine hair by running for its life. In the same manner, Master Atisha steadfastly safeguarded the vows he took and would not break the vow even at the risk of losing his own life. Master Atisha treasured the vows he took more than his own life. [04:49]

In this section, we learn that the tails of the yak are as fine as silk filament. In fact, breaking one silky hair should be nothing. However, the yak cherishes its tail so much that it would rather die than break any tail hair. Master Atisha safeguarded every minor ethical discipline in such a manner; we can imagine how he would devote his entire life to safeguard the major consequential vows. [05:16]

Let’s reflect on ourselves: we all have taken the vows, so what is our attitude toward upholding major vows? I am speaking of those serious consequential vows. As for the minor vows, what is our attitude? Based on such introspection, we will know how much confidence we will have for the higher vows, what our understanding of them is, and how well we will uphold our vows. After learning Master Atisha’s great deeds and how he upheld the ethics, we can reflect on ourselves and emulate Master Atisha. [05:53]

 Note: Integration of scriptural knowledge with experiential knowledge: Experiential Knowledge:

 1. Sila (ethical discipline): 戒/律 - learn in the vinayapatika (dictated by Upali) - homage to the omniscient mind of the Buddha佛

2. Samadhi (concentration):定/經 - learn in the sutrapatika (dictated by Ananda) - homage to the Buddhas & Bodhisattvas佛&菩薩

3. Prajna (wisdom):慧/論 - learn in the abhidharmapatika (dictated by Mahākāśyapa) - homage to Manjusri⽂殊師利


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0289】

讲次 | 0289 (2021-01-04 ~ 2021-01-06)

标题 | 尊入声闻乘门已,护戒如牦牛爱尾

《广论》段落 | P4-L5 ~ P4-LL3 其中戒学……是故成大持律上座。

入门段落 | 第1册 P113-L4 ~ P114-LL4 引叙戒律......就算遭遇命难也不舍戒。

(更新日期: 2022年6月15日)


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