Lecture No. 0190

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0190

Tape: New Version 02 52:10 ~ 53:18

Date: 2020-01-23 ~ 2020-01-26

Topic:Perfection of Wisdom Sutra - The Achievement Chapter: Importance of diligently purifying karmic obstructions and accumulate merits 

English Lamrim Volume 1, page 34

Master’s discourse FengShanSi Version Vol 1 P57-L1 ~ P57-L8

A few days ago, I was reading the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra; there was one passage in the chapter 444, section two, and number 48, The Achievement. Let me read it to you now: [00:15]

Furthermore, Subhuti, there are men and women of noble lineage on the Bodhisattva path. In their previous lives, they heard the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra and also inquired about its profound meaning for one day, two days, three days, four days or five days, but they did not abide by Buddha's teaching to practice earnestly. As they were reborn as human beings in the present life, if they have heard the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra for one day, two days, three days, four days or five days, they would develop firm faith; nothing can destroy it. However, once they deviate from the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, their faith would instantly diminish, and doubt would arise. Why is it so? Subhuti, these men and women of noble lineage on the Bodhisattva path, due to the imprint of hearing the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra they bore in their previous lives, and due to their inquiries made into the profound meaning of it, despite the fact that they did not abide by the teaching to practice earnestly, in this life when they encounter virtuous friends who sincerely exhort them, they would aspire to listen to the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. Without the exhortation from virtuous friends, they would not like to listen to the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. About the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, sometimes they like to listen to it, and at other times, they don’t; sometimes their faith is firm, and at other times, their faith is weak. They waver easily, constantly vacillating between whether to listen to the sutra or not, like the feather drifting along with the breeze. One should know that such men and women of noble lineage on the Bodhisattva path have just aspired to take the Mahayana path not long ago. They just started relying on qualified virtuous teachers; they haven’t made many offerings to Buddhas, nor have they practiced chanting, transcribing, contemplating, or expounding the profound Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. [02:11]

Why did the practitioners’ aspiration diminish immediately and doubts arise after they are done with listening to the sutra? Buddha said, despite the fact that they heard the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra in their previous lives, and inquired about its profound meaning, they hadn’t abided by the Buddha’s teaching earnestly; that is, they slacked off in terms of their meditation practice! In current lifetime, when they encountered virtuous friends who exhorted them to listen to the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, they would exert great effort to listen to the Sutra. However, without the exhortation from virtuous friends, they would not be keen to study this sutra. It seems that sometimes, they would be very into studying the sutra, and at other times, they are rather reluctant to study it. Sometimes, they are very confident in the sutra, very enthusiastic about meditation practice, yet at other times, they would withdraw from listening to the sutra. They waver easily, constantly vacillating between whether to listen to the sutra or not. They fluctuate easily like the feather drifting along with the breeze. [03:02]

Pay attention! What is mentioned here refers to those noble men and noble women who are on the Bodhisattva path! They had just aspired to take on the Mahayana path not long ago; they just started relying on qualified virtuous teachers, meaning that their reliance on virtuous teachers is not strong. They have not made enough offerings to Buddhas, especially that they have not upheld, recited, transcribed, contemplated, or expounded the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra. In other words, they have not applied the above practices persistently and diligently. [03:26]

Along with the above passage, let’s contemplate what Master just mentioned [in teaching #189]: in terms of our “shortage of provisions”, we have to abide by Buddha's teachings to accumulate merits and repent the wrongdoings. As for the efforts for accumulating merits and purifying wrongdoings, the accumulation of merits includes making frequent offerings to the Three Jewels, being a committed supporter to the monastics, and being filial to our parents, etc.; all of these are to accumulate merits. If we slack off in terms of our meditation practice, we would have such symptoms described in the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra: for one moment, we would study diligently, while in the next moment, we might totally forget about it. When people exhort us, we will aspire to study diligently; otherwise, our aspiration will disappear. Even those noble men and noble women on the Bodhisattva path will still face such situations! [04:02]

Understandably, the virtuous roots in the “endowed with virtuous roots” which Master explicated in the newer version of Lamrim commentary denote that one needs to diligently accumulate merits and purify karmic obstructions. Here it specifically suggests that one needs to deepen the roots, to make them stronger and stronger so that one can constantly persevere in one’s practice. So much so that one won’t slack off when there is no one exhorting him/her, and would practice diligently only if being exhorted. From bottom of the heart, one should diligently make it a habit to be perseverant in terms of meditation practice/cultivation. Before such habit is formed, everyone, please strive for it! [04:41]

Master was a practitioner who was always sincere and diligent in everything. He would never let go of any opportunity to examine himself and make adjustments accordingly. What he manifested was an exemplar of joyous perseverance and a practitioner who was consistent from beginning to end. We are truly very fortunate to encounter such an excellent teacher and Lamrim teaching. So everyone, please do cherish the opportunities you have and study diligently. Moreover, don’t forget to recite the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra frequently. Why? Because Master would always recite the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra every day without any disruption; unless he was too ill to sit up, he would always recite [at least one chapter every day]. So would Je Tsong-kha-pa. Therefore, we all should persist in reciting the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra and persist in transcribing, contemplating, and expounding the profound Perfection of Wisdom Sutra! [05:29]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0190】

讲次 0190

标题 《般若经》成办品:精进净集的重要

音档 新版 02 52:10 ~ 53:18

日期 2020-01-23 ~ 2020-01-26

广论段落 P2-L3 ~ P2-L5 此中总摄一切佛语扼要......是谓此中所诠诸法。

手抄页/行 凤山寺版:第1册 P57-L1 ~ P57-L8

手抄段落 所以说这个情况之下......那根据各派不同的传承。


复次,善现,有菩萨乘诸善男子、善女人等,虽于先世,得闻般若波罗蜜多,亦曾请问甚深义趣,或经一日、二日、三日、四日、五日,而不如说精进修行,今生人中,闻说如是什深般若波罗蜜多,设经一日、二日、三日、四日、五日,其心坚固,无能坏者,若离所闻甚深般若波罗蜜多,寻便退失、心生犹豫。何以故?善现,是菩萨乘诸善男子、善女人等,由于先世得闻般若波罗蜜多,虽亦请问甚深意趣,而不如说精进修行,故于今生若遇善友殷勤劝励,便乐听受甚深般若波罗蜜多,若无善友殷勤劝励,便于此经不乐听受。彼于般若波罗蜜多,或时乐闻、或时不乐,或时坚固、或时退失,其心轻动进退非恒,犹如轻毛随风飘转。当知如是住菩萨乘诸善男子、善女人等,发趣大乘经时未久,未多亲近真善知识,未多供养诸佛世尊,未曾受持读诵、书写、思惟、演说什深般若波罗蜜多。 [02:11]

为什么听完了经,书本一放下然后就马上开始退失、心生疑惑了呢?佛说就是因为先世虽然听闻般若波罗蜜多,也曾问它的甚深意趣,但是没有如说精进修行,就是修行不精进哪!所以今生遇到了善友,一劝他,他就开始发力、开始努力听;如果没人劝的话,就于此经不乐受持,他就显示为有时候很愿意修行,有时候就不愿意修行;有的时候非常非常坚固信心、很勇猛,有的时候就退失了。他的心轻动,进退非恒,是很容易变动的,就像羽毛一样随风飘转。 [03:02]

注意喔!这是说住菩萨乘善男子、善女人喔!他刚趣向于大乘,时间不是很久;没有多亲近真善知识,亲近善知识力度不够;没有多供养,供养佛世尊也不够;尤其是未曾受持、读诵、书写、思惟、演说什深般若波罗蜜多,这些也没有精进地修行。 [03:26]

这一段,再想一想刚才师父给我们讲过的──所谓的“资粮不足”,就是如说修行要集资、净忏。那么集资、净忏的部分,集资──比如说多供养三宝啊、多承事僧众啊、多孝顺父母亲啊,这些都是集资粮的。如果没有如说精进修行的话,我们就会出现在《般若经》里讲的这个症状:一会儿精进、一会儿又忘了;有人一劝就发心,一会儿不劝就没了。住菩萨乘善男子、善女人还有那样的现象呢! [04:02]

可见师父在新版的《广论》给我们讲的“具善根”的这个善根,是包含着要精进地积累资粮、净除业障。这里边尤其是说具善者要把那善根培越来越深、越来越深,要怎样才能够让自己的精进恒常,不会没人劝你就懈怠了、有人劝你就精进。从内心里真挚地、恒常地变成他自己的一个习惯,就是精进成为一种习惯了。当这种习惯还没有出现的时候,大家要努力! [04:41]

所以师父就是凡事都认真、凡事都努力,不肯放过任何一件事他对自心的观察和调整,完全显示了精进的内涵,始终如一这样的一个内涵。能遇到这样的善知识实在是太幸运了!能遇到《广论》。所以大家一定要好好珍惜自己、好好地学习。另外也不要忘了常诵《般若经》,因为师父每日必诵《般若经》,从未间断过,除非是病在床上起不来了,他一定会诵的!宗大师也是这样的。所以大家也要坚持读诵《般若》!坚持书写、思惟、演说什深般若波罗蜜多! [05:29]


Lecture No. 0191


Lecture No. 0189