Lecture No. 0189

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0189

Tape: New Version 02 52:10 ~ 53:18

Date: 2020-01-20 ~ 2020-01-22

Topic:   Endow the virtuous roots, that are in concordance with the guidance of the sublime teachings, by continuously purifying obstacles and accumulating merits  

English Lamrim Volume 1, page 34

Master’s discourse FengShanSi Version Vol 1 P57-L1 ~ P57-L8

Let’s listen to the next short paragraph in Master’s newer version of Lamrim commentary. 

[Newer version 02 52:10 ~ 53:18]

Hence, under current circumstances, it’s fortunate that some people are endowed with virtuous root. Given that we are listening to the sublime teaching now, we are more or less endowed with some virtuous root. I hope we can enhance our practice to attain high status [in fortunate realms], which will depend on the effort we put into. Therefore, I hope, on the strength of the virtuous roots we have now, we can continuously and persistently work hard to strengthen it so that we can completely abide by Je Rinpoche’s guidance. If so, then our advancement becomes possible. Thus, the statement “fortunate beings are led to buddhahood by way of the stages of the path to enlightenment” means practitioners can advance all the way to the state of Buddhahood, which is our goal. To reach this goal, we still have a great distance to cover. Nevertheless, we stand a good chance of reaching it. If we can have this recognition and stay in this environment to continuously purify our obstacles and accumulate merits, and that would be the right thing to do. This is the main theme that the entire Lamrim is trying to deliver. Je Rinpoche explicated this thought with different approaches, based on various schools of different lineages. [01:18]

Master said, “under current circumstances, it’s fortunate that some people are endowed with virtuous root. Given that we are listening to the sublime teaching now, we are more or less endowed with some virtuous root. I hope we can enhance our practice to attain high status [in fortunate realms]”. How and what can we do to attain high status? It will “depend on the effort we put into.” Master said that we already are endowed with virtuous root so that we can study the Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. Many people have studied it with great joy and even can’t get enough of it! Some lay practitioners have been studying Lamrim for 30 years. For instance, recently when I visited Southern and Northern California Centers, I was exhilarated when I met some lay practitioners who have studied Lamrim for over 30 years. With great respect for them, I presented them the insignia lotus pin embellished with precious stone, as they are truly endowed with lots of virtuous roots! [02:15]          

So how can we continue to advance on the strength of our virtuous roots? Master brought forward the goal for us; that is, we need to completely abide by the qualifications instructed by Je Rinpoche. Lama Tsong-kha-pa composed Lamrim, making it a treatise that “fully comprises all the stages practiced by the three types of persons”; thus, with such a sublime and encompassing teaching presented in front of us, how can we keep nourishing more virtuous roots so as to completely match up with the guidance? If we completely abide by the teaching, then we would be able to advance! Master said, “fortunate beings are led to buddhahood,” meaning practitioners can reach such effect stage of Buddhahood, which is our ultimate destination. And Master followed by saying, “To reach this goal, we still have a great distance to cover.” We are still far away from achieving Buddhahood. However, Master continued saying, “we stand a good chance of reaching it;” what kind of chance do we have? He pointed out, “If we can have this recognition and stay in this environment to continuously purify our obstacles and accumulate merits, that would be the right thing to do. This is the main theme that the entire Lamrim is trying to deliver.” [03:23]

It seems that it’s a long way to go before we attain the state of Buddhahood, or we are positive that it is indeed a great distance for us, nonetheless, we are clear where the goal is now. What do we have now? Master said, “we stand a good chance.” What kind of chance do we have? We have “known” Lama Tsong-kha-pa and studied the Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment; and we have learned about so many masters from the lineage. If we can “stay in this environment” … What kind of environment is this? This is an environment with the teacher, the companions and the teaching, right? With sufficient provisions to lead a good life, we are endowed with those qualifications of leisure and opportunity! Moreover, there is the sangha community with monastics piloting us to study continuously, and we all have our Lamrim class to attend. If we listen to the recording on our own at home, chances are we may easily get distracted, which may disrupt our learning. However, with a Lamrim class, if you miss several classes, some of your classmates will call you to see how you are doing. There are times when you notice some of your classmates make great progress! Seeing them making such progress, you would think, “He has improved a lot. I’d better reflect on myself! Have I made any progress yet?” [04:21]

It is the same with the monastics! Everyone has his/her own class according to the curriculum we have planned. For instance, which class are you in, the Vinaya Class, the Abhidharma Class, the Ornament for Clear Knowledge Class, the Pointing the Way to Reasoning – Analysis of Reasons Class, or Pointing the Way to Reasoning – Compendium of Debates class? Once a class is formed, we will have a syllabus to follow through. Thus, we can proceed according to the curriculum and that is how some of our classmates can continue studying and contemplating on the teaching without interruption for over thirty years. So, this is a very nice environment for study, isn’t it? Both monastics and lay practitioners have such curricula to follow. [04:53]

Although the curriculum for lay practitioners is not quite complete yet, we are working on that part together! And we can map out a very complete system. Nevertheless, so far the environment we have now is good and appropriate for study. Thus, Master exhorted us to stay in this environment so that we can properly purify obstacles and accumulate merits. If we can follow his advice, then we are doing it right! Whenever we feel flustered, we should contemplate, “Have I purified my obstacles and accumulated merits? Whatever I do, am I aiming at this direction of attaining Buddhahood? Have I been motivated by the Mahayana aspiration?” If this is the direction we are heading in, then we are on the right track. [05:28]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0189】

讲次 0189

标题 不断净集,具足和教法相应的善根

音档 新版 02 52:10 ~ 53:18

日期 2020-01-20 ~ 2020-01-22

广论段落 P2-L3 ~ P2-L5 此中总摄一切佛语扼要......是谓此中所诠诸法。

手抄页/行 凤山寺版:第1册 P57-L1 ~ P57-L8

手抄段落 所以说这个情况之下......那根据各派不同的传承。


所以说这个情况之下,具足善根固然好,然后呢,我们现在听闻教法大概多少是有一点,然后呢,希望从上面增上,这个大家还要靠自己的努力,这样。所以但愿我们凭借着已经有的这个善根,继续地不断地在上面增长,那么使得能够百分之百能够跟大师引导我们的条件相应,我们就上去了。所以“具善者趣佛地”,能够一直达到佛这个地位,对这个──就是我们的目标,我们还有满遥远的一段距离。但是我们有的是机会,只要我们认识了,我们能不断地在这个环境之下,好好地净除罪障、集聚资粮那就对,那就是这个就是现在本论所说的主要的整个的内涵。他那讲的时候他有不同的方法,那根据各派不同的传承。 [01:18]

师父说:“这个情况之下,具足善根固然好,然后呢,我们现在听闻教法大概多少是有一点,然后呢,希望从上面增上”,增上要怎么办呢? “大家还要靠自己的努力。”说现在已经具足善根,可以听到《菩提道次第广论》,而且很多、很多人听了之后非常地欢喜,甚至是欲罢不能!有的居士就一听,听了三十年,还在继续地学。像这次去南北加,就看到有三十多年的居士,真的是非常非常地欢喜。当时给大家发三十年的那个下面有宝石的莲花徽章的时候,其实我是怀着非常非常尊敬的心献给他们的,我会觉得真是太有善根了! [02:15]



出家人也是一样啊!大家都归属于各自的学制班,比如说你到底是戒论班的啊?俱舍班的啊?还是现观班的啊?还是因类学班的?还是摄类学班的?有了一个班之后我们就会有进度,一直沿着那个进度往下走,就会有三十年不会间断的闻思的这样的一个事实摆在我们面前。所以这是一个很好的学法的环境啊,对不对?僧俗差不多都有一个这样的学制。 [04:53]

虽然居士的学制还不是特别地完整,我们要一起努力呀!然后把它规划得特别完整。但是毕竟这是一个非常好的学法环境,所以在这个环境里,师父劝勉我们要好好地净除罪障、积聚资粮那就对了!所以当我们心慌的时候想想:我有没有净除罪障、集聚资粮?我所做的一切事情有没有朝着这样的方向?大乘发心有没有在策励、策发自己?如果有朝着这样的方向,那就是对的! [05:28]


Lecture No. 0190


Lecture No. 0188