BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Lecture No. 0205



Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0205

Tape: 3B 14:44 ~ 16:52

Date: 2020-03-16 ~ 2020-03-18

Topic: Deepest Gratitude to Master for bestowing pure lineages teachings (to us)

English Lamrim Volume 1, page 34

Master’s discourse Vol 1 P87-LL4 ~ P88-LL3 (NanPuTuo Version Vol 1 P87-LL3 ~ P88-LL3)

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Global Lamrim II Lecture No. 0205

Having learned the complete framework of the tenets, it’s time to examine the actual application effort. For instance, how serious are we in terms of accumulating merits and purifying karmic obstacles, which is actually the most fundamental practice; or in terms of making aspirations and many more, how mindful we are in reflecting our motivation in engaging any of our daily tasks, especially how to train our mind when we face arising conditions. For Master's teaching in taming our mind, if without the lineages, we would be lost in applying what we have learned into daily practice. What we have learned from the tenets is one thing, and how we lead our life is quite another. Actually, the tenets are to guide us on how to eliminate afflictions in our everyday life, to sever the causes of suffering. However, more often than not, when facing the causes of suffering, we don’t even recognize them. Hence, we would become incompetent and feel frustrated when trying to discern what to adopt and what to cast aside either physically or mentally. It seems that we may be able to explain the principles one after another eloquently, but when it comes to cultivation practice, it is very embarrassing to say the least. [00:52]

With the pure and encompassing lineages and proper meditation/cultivation practice that we have received; if we, the disciples study and practice earnestly, making progress year after year, we can check if our afflictions are reduced? Has our faith in the Three Jewels become deeper? [01:08]

By observing our afflictions, will we notice that it is increasing? When it is getting more and much clearer in our mind, we may then feel: how coarse and fierce my afflictions are. It seems that I can never eliminate them. And the more I try to sever them, the more serious they become. [Is that so?] Quite the contrary, as we become more aware of our afflictions, our discernment becomes sharper, just like seeing many dusty motes suspended in the sunbeam. Realizing this, we shouldn’t say, “Wow! This house is very dusty under the sunlight! Well, I (shall) give up cleaning. Just let it be!” Rather, when we see more and more dust, we would strive to clean it up. [01:34]

Thus there is an obvious difference between those practitioners who follow authentic virtuous teacher’s guidance and those who practice blindly without the guidance of virtuous teachers. Sometimes, we can tell by merely listening to the way they talk, “Well! Apparently, so and so has not followed the guidance from a virtuous teacher. Otherwise, he would not have made such very obvious mistakes.” You may then ask, “So, is it for real that those who have followed the guidance from the virtuous teachers would not make mistakes?” Yes, they might still do, but at least they would have a better understanding of the overall framework of the teaching, and you can tell that they have studied the tenets. [02:04]

Having studied the scriptures for many years, we may feel that there is not much accomplishment or achievement, and it seems that we are still challenged by the non-virtuous deeds, and fighting against the erroneous thoughts and un-mindfulness! However, despite all the above, Master brought the encompassing lineages to us, and helped us develop the fundamental concept of the Three Principal Aspects of the Path [namely, renunciation, Bodhichitta, and wisdom of emptiness]; how one should practice in the beginning, and in the middle - the importance of compassion in the beginning, in the middle and at the end. [A case in point is that] many Lamrim students recognize that the spirit of enlightenment is very important, and they would not overlook the Bodhichitta while doing meditation/cultivation practice. The consequence of neglecting the Bodhichitta will be very dreadful! [02:45]

Besides, we dare not slack the practice of going for refuge, because the essence of precepts is built on taking refuge. If our devotion to Gurus or the Three Jewels gradually diminishes, this attitude will surly imperil the precepts we are upholding. We are also aware of the importance of relying on virtuous teacher! Once we have decided to follow the virtuous teacher, then we need to work diligently to abide by the teaching on how to be a suitable disciple; we would by all means refrain from discerning any fault of the teacher. Fault finding will bring nothing but harm to us, whereas cultivating faith and gratitude towards the teacher will help us to achieve our goal. Thus, when we encounter a dilemma of what to adopt or what to cast aside, many tenets will act as the bright lights, illuminating the path we are about to take so that we will know whether to take one step forward or to take one step backward. [03:22]

Hence, for us as disciples, there is nothing more precious and extremely touching than receiving the encompassing lineages! Why? Because without such pure lineages, it would be like we have contracted the illness of afflictions, without taking the right antidote, we couldn’t be cured of this illness. Now, we have encountered this pure and authentic antidote, and it is like what Master said: “The lineages the great teachers passed down involve the perfect, encompassing tenets and proper meditation practice. This was how the lineages were disseminated by such great masters to their disciples. Understandably, the lineages are of vital importance!” Usually when we heard Master said: “This is very important, extremely important”, while he was giving teachings or presiding the administrative meetings, we should always keep that in mind. It’s better to jot down notes if we can’t remember it, and review it constantly. We should never forget whatever that was specified by Master to be very, very important! [04:17]

This is critically important, the sublime, encompassing tenets and proper upholding of the authentic lineages –  the pure and sublime lineages of the scriptural knowledge and experiential knowledge. We are truly blessed to receive so many pure lineages (teachings), to have the Sangha community upholding such pure lineages, and to have so many lay practitioners studying together. Back then, Master was all alone by himself, carrying the Lamrim text and travelling all over the world. What we have now is indeed worlds apart from what Master had been through. [04:48]

To think back on how courageous Master was back then, vowed with determination in search of us, the disciples, one by one from our individual karmic capacity, finding us the Lamrim class where we are able to attend regularly, guided us to listen to the stages of the path by Je Tsong-kha-pa, and helped us study the text meticulously. Actually, just helping us to understand the concept of the Three Principal Aspects of the Path alone is a remarkable achievement. Why? Because once we have established the right views, can we imagine how much time we can save on the path to attaining Buddhahood? The time thus saved is not simply to be measured by eons. [05:22]

Thus never underestimate or belittle the time we have spent sitting in the Lamrim class and listening to Master’s commentary; such precious mental effort is far more valuable than anything else. Having heard such pure and encompassing teachings, we are able to avoid the detours and have reduced many sufferings we might otherwise have to endure, not to mention those sufferings we might have to bear in the miserable realms. Well goes a Chinese proverb: “By listening to the words of the wise one, one can surpass ten years of study.” Actually, this is not about the question of surpassing ten years of study, but about the deep kindness bestowed upon us that will save us many immeasurable eons of lives in the miserable realms! Now we have received so many teachings from the lineages. Let’s reflect on this: back then, when we had no idea what lineage was and we would pick whatever was available for practice; when we think about all of what we have today, whom should we express our gratitude to? [06:08]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0205】

讲次 0205

标题 师父赐与清净传承的深恩

音档 3B 14:44 ~ 16:52

日期 2020-03-16 ~ 2020-03-18

广论段落 P2-L6 此中传有二派释仪

手抄页/行 第1册 P87-LL4 ~ P88-LL3 ( 2016 南普陀版:第1册 P87-LL3 ~ P88-LL3 )

手抄段落 此中传有二派释仪……我们看一看

我们完整地学了教理之后,探讨到实际用功的时候,比如说重不重视集资净忏,实际上这是基础的功夫,比如说发心等等,对于每天自己做任何事情的动机的观照,尤其是对境要历事练心。师父的这些调伏内心的教授,如果没有这些传承,实际上我们学了佛法的教理之后,我们不知道如何在生活中应用;学的教理是一套,然后生活是一套。教理就是指导我们在生活中断除烦恼,也就是断除苦因的,可是真正的苦因来的时候,我们不知道什么是苦因,所以在身心上取舍的时候往往都非常不得力。道理讲的是一套一套的,修行根本是不能见人的。 [00:52]

如果得到了清净圆满的传承、正确地修持,这个弟子如果很用心地学的话,他一年一年修行的长进,就可以看到烦恼有没有变轻啊?对三宝的信心有没有变深? [01:08]

观察自己烦恼,会不会觉得观察到的越来越多?越多越清晰的时候,可能会产生一种感觉:我烦恼这么粗猛,好像怎么断也断不完,好像越断越严重。但是正因为我们眼力变强了,就好像在阳光下能看到很多尘埃一样,这个时候不能说::“哇!阳光下这屋子这么多尘埃,那好吧!我不再打扫了,就脏着吧!”当我们看到了越来越多的尘埃之后,我们应该奋力打扫。 [01:34]

所以有真正的善知识带我们修行,还有没有跟过善知识自己盲修瞎练的,差别是非常明显的。有的时候一开口就听得出来:哎呀!没有跟老师学过,跟老师学过,大概就不会犯这样非常非常粗糙的错误。那么你说:“跟老师学的就不会犯错吗?”也会,但他至少大体的脉络是很清楚的,你会发现他这是学过教理的人。 [02:04]

所以努力地在经论上学很多年,尽管我们都觉得自己好像没有什么成就、没有什么成果,好像还在那儿跟恶业拉拔,跟妄念还有失念在搏斗吧!但是毕竟师父把圆满的传承带给我们,我们已经对于三主要道建立了基本的概念──如何是一开始修的、如何是中间修的;初重要、中重要、后重要。很多学《广论》的同学都知道菩提心是非常非常重要,就不会在修行的时候略过菩提心。略过菩提心后果不堪设想! [02:45]

然后也不敢不好好地修皈依,因为任何戒体都建立在皈依之上,如果我们对上师三宝的虔诚日渐损减的话,一定会威胁到所有的戒律。然后也知道抉择善知识非常重要!一旦抉择了善知识之后,就要修弟子相,不能观过,观过只会损失自己,修信念恩的话只会成就自己。所以很多很多的教理,会在我们心中难以取舍的时候,作为明灯一样照亮我们的脚下,知道怎么样地向前一步、向后一步。 [03:22]

所以对于我们这些弟子来说,有什么比得到圆满的传承更为珍贵、更为令人万分感动呢!因为如果没有这样一个清净传承,就像我们有了烦恼病,得了这个大病之后,我们并不能吃到一个真正的解药,病是治不好的。可是现在我们已经遇到了这个清净、真正的解药。就像师父说的:“圆满的教理、正确的修持,都从这个圆满的师承这样地传递下来,非常重要、非常重要!”通常师父在说法的时候,还有在开执事会啊,师父一旦说:“这个非常重要、非常重要!”那个就要铭记在心里面。如果记不住的话就最好做笔记,然后常常翻一翻。凡是标示出非常重要、非常重要这件事,就是应该不要忘! [04:17]

这个非常重要的事,就是殊胜圆满的教理,还有正确的修持这所有的传承,就是教正法和证正法清净的法脉传承。我们有幸有这么多清净的传承,有这样一个承载着这个清净传承的僧团,还有这么多的居士们一起学习;跟当年师父只身求法,带着一本《广论》走遍世界的那种状态,已经完全是天壤之别了。 [04:48]

想想当年师父的勇气,师父矢志不移坚持,把我们这些弟子一个一个地从各自的业力里边找到广论班,让我们能够定期上课,按照宗大师教法的道次第清净地听闻,很老实地学习。光是把三主要道这个点听清楚了,其实得到了这种正见之后,大家可以想像在我们的成佛之路上我们将节约多少时间?可能不是用几劫能够算清楚的。 [05:22]

所以不要小看自己坐在广论班里来听闻师父解释《广论》的这个时间,在我们的心续上不是一刻千金这样的力量。听到这么清净圆满的教授,我们少走多少弯路、少受多少苦!而很多苦都要在恶趣里经历的。所以有人说:“听君一席话,胜读十年书”,这不是胜读十年书的问题,这是救我们于千生万劫的深恩!当我们已经得到了很多很多的传承之后,再回首当年完全不知道传承是什么,找到一个什么马上就拿来修的那种状态,想一想我们今天得到的所有的一切,要感恩谁呢? [06:08]