Lecture No. 0204

Global Lamrim II

Lecture No. 0204

Tape: 3B 14:44 ~ 16:52

Date: 2020-03-12 ~ 2020-03-15

Topic: The importance of the authentic and encompassing lineage

English Lamrim Volume 1, page 34

Master’s discourse Vol 1 P87-LL4 ~ P88-LL3 (NanPuTuo Version Vol 1 P87-LL3 ~ P88-LL3)

We will listen to Master’s recording, starting from “Between these two renowned methods” [Lamrim v.1 p.34]. Please stay focused and don’t be distracted while listening. [00:13]

[3B 14:44 ~ 16:52]

 “Between these two renowned methods,”

Lama Tsong-kha-pa explained that there were two approaches [when scholars explained the teaching – either from three purities or from three topics v.1 p.34]. Why did he mention this? Often, we don’t quite understand what a lineage is, or do we value the importance of it, as far as the conventional concept goes. In fact, the lineage is very important, extremely important. For example, whatever we want to do, like buying something, we will usually ask where the item is made. This car is made in the United States; that one is Ford, another is General Motors, and the other is made in Germany. We use cars as an example here; we just mentioned Ford and GM of the United States, and Mercedes Benz is made in Germany. There are also cars made in Japan. Each brand has its origin. What does this origin imply? For one thing, it indicates those engineers with outstanding talents, etc. We can trace everything in the mundane world to its authentic origin, to say nothing of Buddhism. It is especially true with Buddhism! As we know, no matter what we are learning, without the authentic and encompassing origin, it’s impossible that we can learn it well. The same applies to Buddhism as well; Buddhism is the same! So, while Lama Tsong-kha-pa gave us the teachings, he also explained to us the origin of the brand [the lineage]. Well, this brand [the lineage] is authentic! [01:40]

 Apparently, Master was introducing the concept of the lineage in the above paragraph. Many years ago, before we studied Lamrim, we had not understood the importance of the lineage. Thus, Master illustrated it by giving us some simple examples to let us know that the origin of the lineage is very authentic and encompassing, and it was passed down from eminent scholars. The lineage is of vital importance, as it represents the authenticity of the source of the tradition, its purity, and its supremacy. [02:11]

The first time I heard the word “lineage”, I contemplated on it for a long time. I remembered that one time some college students and I were discussing what “lineage” was under the starry sky. At that time Rinpoche wanted to pass the Lamrim lineage to me. Some of these students were speculating if that was because Rinpoche wanted to take me in as an official disciple. It was summer when we had this discussion! Now I can still recall the sweet smell of the fragrance of flowers in the air. Although all of my Lamrim classmates, who were college students at that time, remained silent under the starry sky, our minds were wandering into the long distant past. The lineage is always very beautiful, especially so when it is transmitted from our Gurus. [03:09]

Back then, we didn’t have the slightest idea about what lineage was, but we just had a great yearning for it. Now, a moment of reflection: ever since we studied the Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, how many transmissions from the lineage have we received? Everyone can reflect on it. Some classmates have studied under Master’s guidance for 30 years. Over these 30 years, we began from never being aware of the word “lineage” to now; over these years, how many transmissions of the teaching have we received? Moreover, for those fortunate monastics in the Sangha community founded by Master, how many transmissions from the lineage have they received? Sometimes, we would spend the entire summer or winter striving intensively for two or three months to study the lineages passed down to us. Because of Master’s Lamrim guidance, the aspiration to receive many precious transmissions would arise in our mind. Also, it is with great compassion that the virtuous teachers passed down the lineage to us. Think about this 30 years ago, Master was all alone by himself, telling us the importance of the lineage, but now so many disciples have come to realize and appreciate the value of it, and we have received quite significant numbers of transmissions. Therefore, upon reading this paragraph, I really feel very grateful for  Master’s effort to bring Lamrim to us. [04:27]

Next, let’s listen to another teaching from Master. [04:32]

Thus, there were two lineages that illustrated Lamrim teaching at Lama Tsong-kha-pa’s time. Actually, the approaches that we just mentioned, namely, the laudable instructions, make the passing down of the lineages possible. The two approaches or the lineages can all be traced back to Buddha. The lineages the great teachers passed down involve the perfect, encompassing tenets and proper meditation practice. This was how such great masters disseminated the lineages to their disciples. Understandably, the lineages are of vital importance! This is a particular point that we should recognize. So, which two lineages are they? One is from Nalanda, and the other is from Vikramalasila. Let’s take a look. [05:16] 

In this short paragraph Master said, “the laudable instructions, make the passing down of the lineages possible. The two approaches or the lineages can all be traced back to Buddha. The lineages the great teachers passed down involve the perfect, encompassing tenets and proper meditation practice. This was how such great masters disseminated the lineages to their disciples. Understandably, the lineages are of vital importance!” That is, the lineages involve the encompassing tenets that were passed down from Buddha as well as the accurate meditation practice of the great teachers. And if we are to learn these encompassing lineages, it also indicates that the tenets we are to learn are presented in a systematic and encompassing manner. For instance, the Five Great Treatises we have been learning encompass the learning of The Compendium of Valid Cognition, The Madhyamaka-karika, The Ornament for Clear Knowledge, The Treasury of Knowledge, and The Monastic Discipline – Sutra on Vinaya, all of which can be traced back to the authentic lineages. [05:59]

[The above is about the encompassing tenets, the first aspect.] The second aspect is the proper meditation practice/cultivation. Take sitting meditation for instance; does it mean practitioners are just sitting there contemplating nothing at all with their mind completely going blank and assume the moment that all thoughts are gone is the time they achieve certain stage of attainment? Or does meditation practice indicate that the practitioners need to uphold a virtuous object in their mind? Since there is a great variety of virtuous objects, which one should they meditate on so that they can accumulate merits while meditating? The answer is the virtuous object of meditation upon Buddha’s image. We will discuss this topic extensively in the section on “meditation serenity”. [06:25]


【全球广论 II 讲次: 0204】

讲次 0204

标题 圆满传承的重要性

音档 3B 14:44 ~ 16:52

日期 2020-03-12 ~ 2020-03-15

广论段落 P2-L6 此中传有二派释仪

手抄页/行 第1册 P87-LL4 ~ P88-LL3 ( 2016 南普陀版:第1册 P87-LL3 ~ P88-LL3 )

手抄段落 此中传有二派释仪……我们看一看

我们就从“此中传有二派释仪”这一段开始听,大家要专注、断除散乱。 [00:13]


说解释的时候它有两种传承。他为什么要讲这个?平常在我们一般的概念当中,我们不太了解,也不大注意这个传承的重要,这一点实际上是非常重要、非常重要。譬如说我们现在来说,我们随便做任何一样东西,买东西也好,我们常常说:这个哪来?这个是美国货,然后这个是福特的、这个是通用的,然后这个是德国货。譬如说汽车吧,刚才说美国的是福特、通用,德国的是宾士,譬如说日本的什么,它每一个都有它的来源。实际上这个来源里面包含了什么?就是那些工程师,杰出的人才,这样。世间的所有的东西,都有它这样的一个圆满的来源,何况是佛法啊!何况是佛法啊!所以我们晓得学任何东西,假定你没有这个正确圆满的来源的话,学不好。佛法亦复如是,佛法亦复如是!所以他一方面教那个内容,一方面要告诉我们说:我这个牌子哪来的?喔,说这个牌子一点都不错的! [01:40]

师父在这一段里边很显然是介绍传承。在很多年前,没有学《广论》之前,我们不了解传承的重要性,所以师父用特别简单的例子来告诉我们:传承的来源都是非常非常地圆满,来自于非常非常杰出的人。传承是非常重要的,显示着传规、法的清净,还有它的尊贵。 [02:11]

我第一次学法听到“传承”两个字的时候,心里就在这两个字上想了很久。那时候跟我在一起学法的一些学生,我们还在星空下讨论“传承”是什么?因为仁波切要传给我《广论》的传承,一些学生还猜测说:“是不是要收你做入室弟子,才传给你传承?”在讲这件事的时候是个夏天嘛!现在还记得空气里有一些花香的味道。然后在讲到传承的时候,虽然所有《广论》班的同学──那时候都是大学的同学,他们都陷入了沉默;我们一起在星空下沉默,心可能是跑到很悠远的一种追忆里。传承总是一件很美妙的事情,尤其是上师讲出来的时候。 [03:09]

但那个时候对传承是什么并不知道,只是非常地向往。那么现在看看,我们学习《菩提道次第广论》之后,已经得到多少传承了?大家可以想一想。有的学员已经跟着师父学了三十年了,在三十年中间,从我们没有听过什么叫“传承”二字一直到现在,我们已经得过多少传承了?还有,幸运地在师父的僧团里出家的法师们,传承就得了多少了?有的时候一个夏季、一个冬天,我们都努力地三个月、两个月这样集中时间去学传承。很多很多珍贵的传承,都透过师父带我们学《广论》,我们会生起希求心想要得到这样的传承;也有善知识会悲悯我们这些弟子,传给我们传承。想想三十年前师父是一个人告诉我们传承的重要性,而今已经有这么多的弟子们都了解传承的重要性,而且我们得到了特别多的传承。所以看到这一段的时候,真的特别特别感恩师父能把《广论》带给我们。 [04:27]

接下来再听一下师父的开示。 [04:32]

那么在宗喀巴大师那时候,这个里边它有两派的传承,这个两派的传承就说明了这个师承。实际上这个师承的内容刚才说的,这个殊胜的教授,都是靠这个传承下来的。这个是从佛传下来,经过诸大祖师圆满的教理、正确的修持,都从这个圆满的师承这样地传递下来,非常重要、非常重要!这是特别的一点我们应该了解到的。那么哪两派啊?下面,一个是那兰陀寺,一个是止迦摩啰传的,我们看一看。 [05:16]

这一小段,师父说:“殊胜的教授,都是靠这个传承下来。这个是从佛传下来,经过诸大祖师圆满的教理、正确的修持,都从这个圆满的师承这样地传递下来,非常重要、非常重要!”说从佛传下来的圆满的教理,还有正确的修持,如果学了这个圆满的传承的话,我们所学的教理它就会有完整的系统性,比如说五大论,它会完整地阐述《释量论》、《中观》、《现观》、《俱舍》,还有《戒论》的内涵,它都是有传承的。 [05:59]

第二步还要有正确的修持。比如说打坐,打坐的时候到底是不是空空荡荡地坐,坐到好像没有念头了,就是什么境界了?还是一定要心里缘一个善所缘?那么善所缘千差万别,缘哪一个善所缘还能一边修定、一边累积福报呢?就是缘佛像的善所缘。在〈奢摩他〉的时候还有广泛的讲述。 [06:25]


Lecture No. 0205


Lecture No. 0203