T.H.E. Buddhist Nunnery - Recitation of the Prajñaparamita Sutra/ Heart Sutra 吉祥尼僧团集体恭诵大般若经
This afternoon, T.H.E. Buddhist Nunnery collectively recited the Prajñaparamita Sutra. With the virtues of this meritorious practice, may all sentient beings gain the collections of merit and sublime wisdom, may their karmic obscurations be purified and may the teachings of Buddha remain for a long time. It is our great privilege to be able to contribute to Dharma propagation and to the well-being of all sentient beings.
#PrajñaparamitaSutra #HeartSutra #Sangha #Dharma #Buddhism#enlightenment #thebuddhistnunnery
今午,尼僧团一起诵《般若经》,净罪集资,为众生祈福, 为了 #正法久住、为了佛教能够繁荣尽一份心力。