BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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中秋节齐来皈依 与佛菩萨庆团圆 Reunited with the Triple Gem on Mid-Autumn Festival

13/9/2019 农历八月十五,正值是普天同庆的中秋佳节,于吉祥宝聚寺举办与佛菩萨团圆的“皈依法会”。




On this special day of the 15th day of 8th lunar month, the Mid-Autumn Festival, 50 laypersons joyously gathered at the shrine hall of BW Monastery to reunite with the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, to walk the path of ending suffering to attain happiness, by taking of refuge.

Under the presiding Venerable for the Refuge-taking ceremony, Venerable Ruquan led the participants in becoming the official disciples of the Three Jewels through a formality, receiving ever more blessings and care from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

The ceremony ended with everyone being filled with joy, congratulating and rejoicing with one another on this very special and memorable day!