七月是吉祥月 Lunar 7th Month is an Auspicious Month


对佛教徒来说,七月是最吉祥的。因为七月是佛的欢喜月,正是众僧结夏安居三个月修行功德圆满的时候(自农历四月十五日起结夏至七月十五解夏)。由于结夏安居期间,修持悟道证果的佛弟子很多,所以佛陀非常欢喜。因此农历七月十五 是“佛欢喜日” ,亦是道教的“中元节”。所以七月最吉祥、欢喜!


今天在吉祥宝聚寺大雄宝殿所举办的“八十八佛忏“ 和“佛前大供” 就是一个净罪、累积福德资粮的盛会。参与者的虔敬唱诵与摄心的梵呗声交相呼应,缭绕于大殿中,圆满了殊胜的法会。

To a Buddhist, the 7th Lunar month is auspicious, as it is a joyous month for the Buddha. It is the month where the Sangha Community completes their summer retreat which stretches over 3 months (from the 15th day of the 4th lunar month till the 15th day of the 7th lunar month). Buddha was extremely delighted because of the vast number of disciples who practiced and attained enlightenment during the summer retreat. Thus, the 15th day of the 7th lunar month is also known as the "Buddha's Joyous Day". This day coincides with the Hungry Ghost Festival under Taoism as well, therefore the 7th month is most auspicious and joyous!

Over and above, the followers would generate great merits from repentance, generosity, making offerings, including offering to Sangha, paying respect to ancestors and gratitude to one's parents. All these are in line with the Buddha's teachings, so all Buddhas are pleased!

BW Monastery hosted the 88 Buddhas Repentance and Vast Offering Puja today, where it was a great opportunity to purify our nonvirtuous karma and to generate immense merits. The unified voices of the devoted participants reciting the verses filled the entire main hall, bringing the auspicious event to a happy closing.


吉祥宝聚寺 同心同愿 快乐菩萨行 忆念师恩 BW Monastery One Heart One Goal Happy Bodhi Path Recalling the Kindness of Our Teacher


BW Monastery - End of Sangha Summer Retreat: 88 Buddhas Repentance Puja & Vast Offering