BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【Further Meditation on Suffering 希求解脱 希求解脱】The Suffering of Change in the 3 Types of Suffering 2 三苦之坏苦 2

【Further Meditation on Suffering】- The Suffering of Change in the 3 Types of Suffering 2

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71B 14’06” Vol 9 of Lamrim Commemtary P239 L4 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

What is truly frightening is not the suffering! Do we need the Buddha to tell us about suffering? What we really need to understand is happiness. For what is obviously suffering, we do not see it that way. Not only do we not see, we are deceived by them and have to endure all kinds of great miseries. That is why this is something that has to be explained by the Buddha. And from now on I will no longer be fooled! So now I will be in a hurry to take all those things that are contrary to the teaching, the things that I used to accumulate, and throw them all away. After I throw them away, I will make offerings to the Three Jewels and dedicate. While I still have this body of leisure, I can use this unreliable body to bring about lasting significance - the wealth of the teaching. This is the concept that we need to understand. This is the case for our body too. Do not become attached to these small sufferings of change, this pleasant feeling. We should quickly strive to confess now, to conscientiously practice in order to obtain the lasting, diamond-like body that will never deteriorate.


71B 14’06” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P239 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P289

日常师父法语📡71B 14’06” 手抄稿第9册P239 L4

希求解脱 : 三苦之坏苦 2
