【The Eight Types of Suffering 希求解脱】Pleasant Vs scary 可爱与可怕

【The Eight Types of Suffering】-Pleasant Vs scary

So to those pleasant things right now, please be aware! You must also think of their scary and undesirable sides. If you don’t practice on this, it will be useless. Talking about precepts, the key to precepts lies right here. So why do we become helpless when adversity arises, despite that we constantly talk about precepts? It’s because you haven’t seriously contemplated on it. Therefore, as some people talk about precepts, talk about this, talk about that, but when they are faced with obstacles, their reactions are totally unrelated to precepts.In my heart, I really feel sorry for them, but all I can say is “What a pity! How ignorant!” Nevertheless he still considered himself smart. It makes me feel that nothing is more ignorant than this! I think to myself that he is my teacher. Amitabha Buddha! I must never make such mistake.


69A 25’44” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P152 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P273

日常师父法语📡69A 25’44” 手抄稿第9册P152 LL5

希求解脱 : 可爱与可怕



【The Eight Types of Suffering 希求解脱】The suffering you undergo in the womb 住胎苦


【The Eight Types of Suffering 希求解脱】last point on the suffering of birth 生苦的最后