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【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】Clearing up misconceptions 除遣于此邪分别

【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- Clearing up misconceptions

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65B 22’55” Vol 9 of Lamrim Commentary P31 L1 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

c) Clearing up misconceptions concerning the attitude of a person of small capacity

Similarly, after the principles are explained, there are some errors which he is now going to clear up.

Misconception: In the scriptures it says that you must turn your mind away from all the excellent things of cyclic existence. Someone could misinterpret this and think that is improper to develop an interest in high status [as a human or deity] in which body, resources, and the like are excellent, because it is within cyclic existence.

Where is the error? There are these people, upon seeing what the scriptures told us, which is that all the excellent things of cyclic existence are false. We should know their faults and should turn away from them, should turn away from them. Hence, after they read from the scriptures, they will therefore say, "Ah-ya, since the scriptures said this, therefore for all the resources and soon that are in the interest of attaining high status [as a human or deity], these are within the cyclic existence. It is improper to be seeking for these. It is improper to be seeking for these." For us, when we hear this, "Yes! This is absolutely true. We don't want it! But actually is it like that? No, no! For those striving in the vehicle of Shravakas, this is true [for them]! It is because the goal of the Shravakas will absolutely be "in haste for liberation." So he would devote all of his energy to strive for liberation, he needs nothing else at all, needs nothing else at all.


65B 22’55” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P31 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P261

日常师父法语📡65B 22’55” 手抄稿第9册P31 L1

业果 : 除遣于此邪分别



