BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】Sins will not necessarily cut you immediately like a weapon 恶业虽现前,非定如刀割

【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- Sins will not necessarily cut you immediately like a weapon

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62B 04’40” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P201 LL3 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

And also:
Although sins will not necessarily cut you immediately like a weapon,
Rebirths taken through sinful actions will be evident in your future lives.
Sinful actions will bring about lifetimes in the future
Where the fruitions of these actions will be of various intensities.
Just as rust emerges from iron and feeds on that very iron,
So too do those who have committed actions without examination
Travel to the miserable realms through their own actions.

This says for us now, though these sinful actions have manifested, these sinful actions have manifested, meaning, these are the non-virtuous effects that have been issued to us. Even though there are all sorts of things that do not turn out as you wish, no matter what, they are absolutely not as bad as being cut by a weapon, right? This is very clear and very apparent. Ah, if things just deviate slightly from what you want, would you feel like you are being cut by a knife? No! We would at the most say, "Ah, the food and drink served today is not to my taste. Ah, we feel that things are unbearable!" We insist on everything going the way we like it to be, this is truly...Our most serious sins definitely do not make us feel as if we are cut by a knife. This is very easy [to understand]. But we just cannot understand this principle!


62B 04’40” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P201 LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P251

日常师父法语📡62B 04’40”手抄稿第8册P201 LL3

业果 : 恶业虽现前,非定如刀割

