【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】To fully understand yourself as the worst of the childish 了知自己最忌下愚
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- To fully understand yourself as the worst of the childish
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63A 00’02” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P219 L1
This sentence, pay attention here! There is a special attribute to this. This is a feeling of what? How come "I" did wrong! If you understand this here, you will feel it. This is why it told us earlier about the "the worst of the childish." For those who truly learn the teaching, you are the most foolish. You should absolutely not feel that you are wise. Therefore, the first thing he told us was: How come I am so terrible! If you feel that you are terrible, that is when you will be willing to change. If you always feel that, "I am right in all instances, I have got the right reasons," would you want to change? Would you be able to eradicate [your current behaviours]? If you are all day long amidst your current behaviours, your reasons are your afflictions of the view, and your latent propensities are your afflictions of the thought. If you cannot even breakthrough your coarse afflictions and [in fact] go along with them, is there a need to go on further to talk about anything else? This sentence, how will you be able to give rise to [the feel of] it? We have now understood the principle, but how do we give rise to it? Next:
【In order to feel this, it is necessary to meditate on the way in which you produce the three effects of actions—fruitional and so forth.】
If you want to cultivate this, what should you do? It is based on what was said earlier, all the principles said throughout the discourse of this teaching. Therefore, after we have explained all the earlier principles, to build on that foundation and meditate on this now will be very simple. It is like that.
63A 00’02” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P219 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P252
日常师父法语📡63A 00’02” 手抄稿第8册P219 L1
业果 : 了知自己最忌下愚