BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】 You will cry while experiencing the fruitions of such sins 恶业感果,当哭泣领受

【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- You will cry while experiencing The fruitions of such sins

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62B 02’59” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P200 LL2 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

You were good to engage in such actions
That do not give rise to torment,
Whose fruitions you undergo one by one
Happily and with a joyful mind.

As for the other type, after you have engaged these actions, the effects issued will not be sufferings or torments. We will not suffer mentally nor will we be tormented physically. And we will instead feel happy. In this regard, for the karma that will issue this type of fruitions, [if you] go create it now, correct! It is good!

 【Because you desire happiness
You were wild and have been sinful;
You will cry while experiencing
The fruitions of such sins.

This last, last passage says that we are all now hoping for happiness. Because we hope for happiness, so what do we do? "You were wild and have been sinful." What is wild? That is a distracted mind that concords with attachment. Actually, to be wild [or excited], in general, this is when the mind is distracted and scattered. This is especially concordant with attachment. Why does this part not speak of hostility? For example, when you are attached [to something], and cannot obtain it because of some hindrance from other people, you will get angry! Thus attachment and hostility are two sides of the same thing. In short, whenever your mind is distracted like this, it is when you will create the sinful fruitions. Sorry, even though you desire happiness, by the time you will have to experience this, you will feel incredible suffering! By that time, it will be too late!


62B 02’59” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P200 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P251

日常师父法语📡62B 02’59”手抄稿第8册P200 LL2

业果 : 恶业感果,当哭泣领受



