BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】 further and further from the teaching 与法越来越远

【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- further and further from the teaching

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62A 16’51” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P191 L7 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

【Moreover, Do-lung-ba said:  
If someone who knew how to examine our mind-
stream were to do so, that person would soon find
something that had gone quite
far from the teaching—like sending a ball of thread
down a steep incline. 】

If we use the proper wisdom to examine, to examine according to the teachings, you will discover, hey, not only is it so far but also, it is interesting! Just like if there was a ball of thread on top of a steep incline, the more it rolls, the further it goes, the more it rolls the further it goes, the further away it goes!  Why is this?  This is the result of one having truly examined himself according tothe teaching.  Actually for this point, we can also see it when we examine ourselves.  If we just examine ourselves now, what is the state of our minds?  I think everyone can feel it.  We talked about it a lot before.  You should be able to easily feel it.  Right now, within our minds, it is our beginningless causally concordant effect, that which concords with afflictions, that continues to push forward.  Right?  It is just that causally concordant effect that continuously pushes forward.  What does that mean?  That means we are further and further from the teaching.  It continues to tread on afflictions!  Hence our minds are just that lax and scattered.   This is the state.  Therefore, on many occasions, I have gradually and slowly felt this.  At the time when this naturally comes about for you, you yourself will know it very clearly, very plainly, very clearly and very plainly.    


62A 16’51” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P191 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P250

日常师父法语📡62A 16’51” 手抄稿第8册P191 L7

业果 : 与法越来越远

