【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】Zēng zi change bed lining 曾子换席
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- Zēng zi change bed lining
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61B 19’01” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P173 LL3
For the people of the ancient times, take a look! For Zēng zi, since his disciples respected him so much because he was one with great moral conducts, they got him a better bed lining to sleep on. As a result, Zēng zi said, "Eh, I am sleeping on a bed lining that is designed for the senior officials. I am not such a person. Change it quickly!" He was so sick and really should not have been moved. But he [insisted], "No, no!" He insisted on changing it. In the end, before the bed lining was changed, he passed away. There, why was this done? If we had some minor sickness, [we would say], "Ah-ya, don't tell me to worry about this. This doesn't matter. You wouldn't care either. Why bother?" Why did Zēng zi do that? Think about this carefully. Just before he passed, he said to his son, "Son, examine my feet, examine my hands." He said, look at my feet and look at my hands! And then he said, "from now on," meaning from now on I no longer need to worry. When you still have your body, whatever movement that you make, you will exert some influence. This is karma. Now that the body will be gone, one will no longer be burdened by it. In other words, he was this cautious with any of his gestures. Why? We just don't understand it. There, but as you get to this section, you now understand.
Thus for any noble being who truly practices, he is this careful with his three karmas. No need to hh mention Buddhism, there are Bodhisattvas [who are examples] even in this mundane world.
61B 19’01” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P173 LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P248
日常师父法语📡61B 19’01”手抄稿第8册P173 LL3
业果 : 曾子换席