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【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】Buddhism is like the vast space 佛法如太虚空

【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 】- Buddhism is like the vast space

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61A 14’32” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P157 L3 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

Therefore, the method that is used in science is correct. It is essentially the same as the one used in Buddhism. The real value of Buddhism is that though the method is completely the same [as science], but the content is extremely different. It is different in its profoundness and vastness. These are completely different, completely different. To describe how science works, it would be like throwing a net into the ocean. Since the ocean is great [in volume], how much can you get from a single net? 

Contrary to that, Buddhism is like the vast space. If we take the ocean, no need to say the ocean, even if you take our earth, our solar system and put them into the enormous space, they would all just be a tiny speck! The measure of Buddhism's profoundness and vastness is something we should understand. Therefore, the measure of Buddhism is such that nothing is left uncovered or unturned. Hence there is no need to mention [the mere understanding of] a single sea, a single earth, no need to mention the solar system or the Milky Way system!


61A 14’32” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P157 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P247

日常师父法语📡61A 14’32”手抄稿第8册P157 L3

业果 : 佛法如太虚空
