【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】What is conviction? 什么叫胜解?
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- What is conviction?
What is conviction? It is that for this principle,you develop a correct and certain understanding. No matter what others say, you will never waver. This is called conviction.
This is a state of mind. For this type of state of mind,you can have a conviction of virtue, but also a conviction of non virtue. There are many people in this world [who have convictions]. There are many in this world, let's take scientists for example. Scientists have strong views.They have their reasons for that. It is because for what they understand, it is not entirely dependent on what has been told by others. Also when one tells you the theories, he understands it thoroughly. Not only does he thoroughly understand it, through experiments, he demonstrates the theory's reliability. Thus at this time, his belief is firm and unshakable.
So then would we say then that science is correct? In the relative states, yes. Because in his research, the scope of his research is confined to a certain limit. Thus within the scope of what science experiments have observed, the information is correct. But does it remain true beyond the scope? Sorry, because it has not been observed. The real shortcoming of science is right here.
61A 13’24” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P156 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P246
日常师父法语📡61A 13’24” 手抄稿第8册P156 L7
业果 : 什么叫胜解?